chapter 1

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He was breathing but he felt like he was being choked.he could listen to his friends talking but he couldn't make out any of their words.he could see everything but was able to feel nothing.his body was alive but he was dead inside.

"Earth to,Andy."Jack growled.

He whimpered and gasped for air. laying on the couch with his head on my lap,he sighed and looked at us blankly.
"Now tell us what happened.." Mikey said with a hint of concern in his voice.
"W-what ha-happened?" Andy murmured.
"really Andy?Now you are just gonna pretend like nothing really happened?If it is so,then let me remind you,you passed out for nearly an hour like you did yesterday,and the day before,and the day before,seriously dude?Do you really think that hiding things from us will make the situation any better?" Jack yelled.
"Jack,relax.give him some time." I said while playing with his hair.
Jack sighed and then apologised.
"I'm sorry,I know it's my always has been..."Andy muttered.
"No it's do you mind telling us what's up with you?"I asked,making him look at me with terror-filled eyes.

"Guys,ready for the meet and greet?" Alex asked.
"No,I don't think so.I think we need a few more hours or better,I think we should just cancel today's meet and greet." Brook said while fiddling with his fingers.
"No,don't do that.don't ruin your plans for me.I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders." Andy said,his voice was almost inaudible.
"Shut up.No one asked you for an opinion."Jack growled.
"I think you guys should go to the meet and greet and I'll stay here to take care of Andy."
I said while brushing my fingers through Andy's hair.
"But Rye..."
"No buts.I'm here to take care of Andy.also,think about this, the randy shippers will be very happy to hear that Andy and I wanted to spend some time,ALONE." I winked,knowing that they got my point.
After protesting a bit,the boys decided to leave for the meet and greet.As they left,I heard Andy mumble underneath his breath.
"You know that the Irish kid can be very overprotective sometimes,right?" I laughed.Andy hummed in response.
"You don't know but we all love you more that you can ever love yourself."I said while playing with his fingers.
"I'm such a disappointment to you and the roadies."his voice was so feeble that I barely heard it. His words made me so nervous that my heart nearly skipped a beat.I took his hands in mine and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Hey fovvs,what happened?Are you okay?"I asked him,already knowing what his answer would be.
"Yeah,I'm all good."he almost whispered.
"Well,then atleast learn how to lie."I said while kissing his forehead.
Andy,the person who was considered to be a closed book,was easily readable to me.I was able to hear the words that never left his mouth and I was able to read the letters that he left in scribbles.
He laid in my arms in comfortable silence which was soon broken by his light sobs.

I was bewildered cause that was something new to me.Andy always made sure that nobody heard him cry but this time,things were different.Andy always thought that I never knew what was going on with him but he was too stupid to know that the slightest sound that his tears made was enough for me to know his pain.
Andy's tears were like the mist that strained the flowers in the darkness of the night but disappeared as soon as the sun made its appearance.and I? I was that night bird who seeked for shelter under the shed of the mist.

"I-Im sorry R-Rye for being su-such a
dis-diappointment."he said while rubbing off his tears.
"It's okay Andy.sometimes it's better to burst out than bottling up."I said while wiping his tears with the hem of my jumper.

"I'm broken into pieces too small to be seen yet I manage to stand upright as these pieces heap inside me.I smile,not because I'm happy but because I know that life can't get any worse.I can't sleep but when I do,I wake up to people telling me that I had passed out.I can't speak but when I do,words don't but screams and whimpers leave my mouth."

If only I knew how you felt,
I would've found a better way with which I would've dealt.

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