Author's Note

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Hey guys,thank you for reading this fanfic and for voting and may not know but this means so much to me.
So,there are certain things that I would like to adress..

1: I am no way trying to romanticize mental illnesses.I know how it feels when something that's killing you from inside is looked at to be as 'trendy' and 'cool' .

3: through this story, I wanted to show that how the bad decisions made by us affect the people whom we love.sure,there will be people in your life who'll understand your worth only after they loose you but there are people in your life who exist just to see you happy.I know that sometimes it's not easy to love yourself but just remember,there will be people in your life who'll love you more than you can ever love yourself.
Always remember,self love is the first stage of learning how to love selflessly.

2: I know there are many people out there who are suffering from mental illnesses and this is for them-

I just want to let you know that you're strong enough to get through it.remember,it may be hard but it's surely not impossible.I am a very shy person in reality but I think that sharing my story wouldn't cause any harm as none of you don't know me personally.
I belong from a country where a person with mental illness is looked down upon and is considered to be a freak and an attention seeker and that's what happened to me.
When I was younger,I knew that something was wrong with me but I never dared to speak about it to my parents cause I thought that they would judge me..And with time things started becoming worse and it got to such a point that I couldn't be left alone anywhere..I started loosing my friends in school because they thought that I was a freak and a creep and my parents decided to home-school me.but now,things are getting better and now I'm in highschool.

I know how it feels like to be addicted to things that harm you but I want you to remember,it's just an addiction,it's not a can get over it if you try,and I know you will.

Okay..Now I'm done with my rant.see you soon with my next fanfic...❤️❤️

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