chapter 8

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I went near our front door and saw that it was closed;the thing that shook me the most.The boys never closed the door,forget about locking it.I pushed the door and it opened with a creak.suddenly,a bunch of silly strings came shooting towards me and covered me from head to toe.
"Happy birthday Ryan."I heard a group of boys screaming at the top of the boys.suddenly,the lights were turned on and I saw a house full of people.All the boys,my best mates,a bunch of girls with whom I've been friends with and a bunch of guys whom I had seen only once or twice were there,some with silly string bottles and others with red plastic cups in their hand.My face instantly glowed up, not at the sight of my old friends whom I've not seen for years but at the sight of Andy who was just missing for a few hours.I guess,others were important but he was my requirement.I saw him smirking at me while I tried to get the silly strings off me.
He slowly walked towards me and the closer he came,the wider my smile grew.He stood right infront of me and brushed him thumb through my lower lip to remove the bit of the silly string that was stuck to my lips.we maintained eye contact for nearly five minutes until he broke it and went for a hug.
"Happy birthday Ryan." He said and I hugged him back.I was so happy that I lost my senses and said "you too" and then looked at him,my face was red with embarrassment.he looked at me and he couldn't stop laughing,his dimples popping out.being embarrassed,I laughed at myself sheepishly.
"Happy birthday Rye!"My best mates came rushing towards me and engulfed me in a group hug.they started screaming at the top of their voice and we jumped around like idiots.I could see Andy smiling at us,his eyes still focused on me.I felt my body warm up and my face became red.
"You okay mate?" Harry asked
"Yeah…I-I'm good,just feeling a bit cold."I said and bit my tongue.
"Rye,can you come with me for a moment?" Andy asked preety loudly,stealing everyone's attention.
"Y-yeah! S-sure."I said and saw my mates smirking at me.
I don't know why but my mates always claimed that me and Andy were made for each other.they said that there was something between us that couldn't be seen but could be felt and I always used to criticize them for their,it's safe to say that my whole crew(including me) was a godamn randy shipper.I walked towards Andy and when I was close enough he pulled me by my wrist to the garden.
We kept smiling and staring at each other the whole time.the sexual tension was so think that it started to choke me.
"So…"I said without breaking our eye contact.
"Y-yeah..." He said and shuffled his hand through his pocket and pulled out a tiny box.
"So apparently,I was out the whole day just to get you some worthy gift but unluckily,the 'gift store' was not ready to grant me the gift,so...."he paused and then continued.
"I know this is not much but...." He clicked on the tiny button on the box and there was a blue gemstone ring inside it.
"What the...."I was about to continue when he shushed me with his finger.
"don't panic!I'm not going to propose to you or something like that...But...."he paused and then took my hand in his small ones.
"This is a promise ring.Rye,I'm forever indebted to you,I owe my life and with every breath I take,you debt becomes heavier.I know that I am flawed,I am imperfect,I'm a mess but you are the one who made me realise that I'm me.even when my shadow left my side,you were the one to hold me tight."he paused and then put the ring on my ring finger.
"Rye,it's a promise asked me to promise not to cut made me promise not to hurt myself again and I did keep it.I kept my promise Ryan and now it's your turn.promise that you'll never leave me alone.. promise me that you'll always stand by me... Promise me that you'll take your time to understand me…"He said in such a manner that I nearly teared up.
"Ryan!" Andy caught me off guard.
I quickly pulled him by his waist and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.he quickly melted into the kiss.slowly,we pulled apart from each other and I quickly engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug.
"I promise."I whispered in his ear.

"so guys,is anybody up for a drinking game?"
"Me!" Andy said cheerfully.I gripped his wrist tightly while he tried to step towards the kitchen.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes,why not."he said innocently.
"But according to my knowledge,you've never had a sip of alcohol...."I frowned.
"Yeah,that's true..."he smiled cheekily
"Oh c'mon Rye,don't be such a mood killer,I'm very happy today and therefore I want to enjoy this day to the fullest."he said and snapped his hand from mine.

I exactly knew what would've happened and not to my surprise,I wasn't wrong.My friends convinced Andy to down 5 shots and as I expected,he was done at 3.he started slurring on his words at the 2nd one.when the 3rd one was down,he rushed towards the washroom to throw up and I quickly followed him.
"So,how was your 'first time' drinking experience."I said in an annoyed voice.he rolled his eyes and gave me a sheepish smile.
"how the fuck did you not get drunk even after 9 shots?" Andy said in disbelief.
"Who told you I'm not drunk?I'm hella drunk.I can see two Andys in front of me."I slurred but he still didn't believe me.
"Okay let's play some games."I said and pulled him out of the room with me.
The only thing that was on my mind at that time was how to get to kiss Andy infront of everyone.I wasn't overwhelmed,I was just drunk.I wasn't serious,I was just drunk.

I regret,I still regret.others may forget but I'll forever was just a matter of second that I'll regret till my end.

We all sat round a table,all of us were pretty drunk,and started our little game of truth and dare.
"So guys,the forfeit is 2 shots...."Lukas slurred and we all agreed to him.the game quickly turned into a group of drunk young-adults making out with each other and sucking off each other's face.after a few turns,the bottle landed on Andy.
"So Andy,truth or dare?" Mikey asked.
"You know that I won't lie and I can't speak the truth...So....Dare..."
"Okay,kiss Brook...." Mikey smirked.
Andy's face burnt with shock and embarrassment.he bit his lip three times,which surely meant that the last thing that he wanted to do was to kiss Brook.
"Oh c'mon Andy..Don't behave like you've never kissed Brook before."Jack said in a pretentiously jealous voice.
"You know I'll still love you though.." Brook blowed a kiss towards Jack.while we were busy laughing at the cringey Jacklyn moment,all of a sudden we saw Andy approaching for the shot glasses.
"Andy,drink no more...Just kiss Brooklyn.In that period of time,he had already downed the first shot,gagging at its burning taste.
"I won't.I will never for,even though my body belongs to me,my heart belongs to someone else."he said and downed the 2nd short,coughing his lungs out.
I was so shocked,I wasn't even able to pass him the bottle of water that was in my hand.
Why did he say so? Maybe because he didn't want to kiss Brook.
Then why would he kiss me?Maybe because....Because....'no answer' my mind shouted.they started spinning the bottle again but I wasn't able to focus anywhere else other than Andy.
"Ryan,it's your turn..." Lukas announced.
and no dare for you this literally complete each and every fucking task we ask you to do..." Harry smirked.
"Okay...So truth...." I rolled my eyes.
"So recently,Harry and I have had a sneak peek of your diary and all that we were able to find was some enormously sweet love quotes and whom are those shit dedicated?" Lukas gave me a 'know it all' look
"First of all,you shouldn't have touched my diary mate and secondly,what kind of useless question is this?" I rolled my eyes at the boys.
"It's simple dude.. we've just asked you whom do you love..."Harry and Lukas winked at each other celebrating their foreshadowed win.
"Although if you're not ready to spill the tea,then we suppose you have to down two shorts although the Ryan Beaumont I know is not a coward...."Brooklyn decided to hurt my confidence and my pride with his sugar coated arrows.
"Okay...Okay....I'll tell y-you whom I-Im in love with."I took a deep breath and looked at Andy.his eyes lost its shine,his breathing was heavy,he was playing with his that moment I saw his wrist.those words,'not a looser' still written on them.It meant only one thing,his mind wasn't still out of the still hated itself.though Andy was able to put it in a cage made of care and self-love,his mind still owned a bigger weapon,it was Andy's sadness.
'I font want to be someone's life for my life is like a stream,it has a designation but no destination'
'I'd rather be dead that being someone's reason to live'
'I ain't afraid of the dark but I'm afraid of being the darkness'
His voice,his words,echoed in my mind.
"Ryan,now don't say that you aren't gonna tell us their name..I swear if...."
"I'M IN LOVE!" I shouted. "W-with w-w-with  A-Amber."

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