chapter 7

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"please stay..." I requested sheepishly.
"You know I can't." Amber said looking down
"But it's my birthday today."I heaved.
"I know but I've to go to L.A. cause my mum needs some help." She said with a smile.
"Okay but atleast give me my birthday present."I pouted.
"Well,I don't have any-oh wait...You know what?I'll be your cupid.I'll make your 'love' realise that they are utterly in love with you and that they can't live without you." She said while jumping around like a 5 year old.
"Haha...Nice joke but you can't do that." I said with a smirk.
"Why cant I?"
"Cause uggh you-,do you know what?You can actually do that."I said in a suggestive manner.
"Holy shit! Do I know them?Tell me you idiot!Do I KNOW THEM?Boy or girl?Tell me TELL ME!" She screeched.
"Enough said."I smirked and she rolled her eyes.
"Okay okay!I promise you that I'll make them fall for you" she said and went for a hug.
"Don't you dare break your promise."I hugged her.
We pulled out when we heard footsteps behind us.turning around,we saw Mikey standing behind us  and sipping on something from his mug.
"What?Continue what you were doing..."he mumbled in his sleepy voice.
"What the fuck are you doing here at 3 a.m?"I whispered.
"Oh,well there was a cat meowing in front of my window and so I decided to bring it some milk"he pointed at his now half-filled mug and then continued.
"But the cat ran away while I tried to feed it,leaving me all alone in the know,cats these days,they have become so rude.I tried to follow it and it brought me here.I legit thought that there were dinosaurs in here.."he said and took another sip.
"And what are you two doing here?"
"Umm...Hunting dinosaurs?"Amber said,trying no to laugh hard.
"Guys,its getting cold, I think we should go inside." I said and Amber paced towards the house.Mikey pulled me by my wrist and gave me a know-it-all look.
"What?"I asked in an annoyed voice.
"what's going on between you two?" He smirked.
"What?No no,we're just friends."
"Then what were you doing here so late?"Mikey asked.
"Adult won't get it."
"What do you mean?I AM 22!I am an adult."saying this he handled me the mug and started screaming at the top of his voice.
I started laughing my ass off.

I walked into Andy's room and saw him writing something.we've been sleeping together for the past few weeks cause I couldn't trust him in the hands of the persuasive night who,according to Andy,had always forced him to do something wrong to himself.
"Oh hey..."he said and hid the dairy behind him.
"Still awake?" I asked and sat on the bed.
"Yeah...couldn't sleep..."he mumbled.
"So I see you've started writing a new diary and from what I've just seen,I guess you have started writing a few days ago..."I said and he looked down.
"Can I read it?" I placed finger under his chin to make him look at me.
"Well,you will,but not now."he smiled.
"Is it helping?"
"Well,I guess..For now I'm just happy that I'm able to write."he said and I pulled him on my lap.
"So,where were you?" He asked.
"You know how much I love late night walks..."
"I know what you love more than late night walks and that is late night talks..."he said with pride,as if he had achieved something.I couldn't help but smile at his childish behaviour.
"Yeah,you are right but I thought you said that you are afraid to know people?" He looked at me with a cheeky smile.
"So,let's talk." He said suggestively.
"Well,this is something new....."I teased him.

We talked for ages until Andy decided to drift off on my lap.I smiled at his cuteness and decided to shift his sleeping body beside me.however, Andy woke when I tried to shift him and keep staring at me for what felt like ages.he tried to give me a good night kiss on my cheek which surprisingly,ended in us making out at nearly 5a.m.
I woke up to the boys screaming 'happy birthday's at the top of their lungs.they pulled my covers off me and and started bursting some confetti cannon thingy.out of a sudden, Amber bursted into the room with a foam spray in her hand and started spraying it all over my face.I was covered up in foam and confetti and I legit ended up looking like one of those angry birds.In all those hustle and bustle,I almost failed to notice that someone was missing-Andy.
I quickly got off my bed and saw a card lying on my bed-side read-

Dear Rye-pie,
Haply birthday love.Hope you've not become deaf because of the boys screaming like dying walruses.though I'm not there,I know they must've pulled you out of your bed and've annoyed the shit out of you with their confetti and foam spray game.Anyway,long story short,I'm on a hunt and would be out the whole morning and will return in the afternoon.I'm hoping of getting you something that would bring an unchanged smile on your face like the one you've brought on my face since the day I met you(well,it sounds too cheesy but you know me,a.k.a the melodramatic fovvs) Hope you have a great day.
Yours lovingly,

"where's Andy?" I asked the boys with a smile.I felt like my heart squeaked with the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.
"He hasn't told us where he was going."Brooklyn said goofily.I pouted.I saw that Alex was filming everything and so I decided not to talk about Andy anymore.
"So guys,the boys and I have planned a chill day.right now, we're heading towards our favourite trampoline park and then we'll go out for some cheeky Nando's." Mikey said infront of the camera.Alex zoomed the camera on me and I started screaming 'nandos,nandos' on the top of my lungs.
"Why are the English people so hyped about 'nandos?" Amber commented.
"Guys,tell this American how good nando's are." Then I and Amber pretended to fight over which one is better,Nando's or Taco bell.
We spent the whole morning in the trampoline park,flipping and fooling around like little was so fun cause we hadn't been to our favourite place for more than 6 months.I had a great time with my friends but honestly,I had never missed Andy so much like I missed him there.I wanted to see him trying to flip but failing miserably.I wanted to laugh at him and I wanted to see him being annoyed and call me 'the elastic monkey who thinks that he can win the world with his goddamn flips.' and I wanted these things so bad that I gave up on all the enjoyment and sat at the corner for the next hour,not doing anything but looking at the boys laughing their asses off.
"Are you alright mate?" Brooklyn sat beside me,rubbing his sweaty forehead on my T-shirt.I pushed him in a banterous manner and started to fake a serious-looking fighting scene just to annoy the people.
unfortunately,we were all kicked out of the park.Alex was vloging the whole way to home.we took a quick shower and then we left for nando's.
It was 4 p.m when Amber said her goodbyes to us.I was the one who was going to drop her to the airport.
"Where the hell is that idiot?I couldn't even hug him goodbye!"she said in an annoyed manner and I laughed,still focusing on the road.
"I don't know,it was the first time he didn't informed me where he was going.he didn't even text me.all he said was 'i'll return by 6 p.m"like,atleast give me some goddamn information as to why you fucking left on MY fucking birthday." I heaved with too much concern in my voice.I bit my tongue and cursed myself.I was sure that anyone could've got the fact that I felt something more towards Andy by the way I talked.I looked at her and prepared myself for the worst but I sighed in relief when I saw that she was busy with her phone.
"she didn't hear me" I thought to myself.
"You know,Andy's a nice guy." She said out of the blue.
"Y-yeah."I shuttered.i knew that I was going to mess things up.
"I know Andy since we were toddlers.I know what his weaknesses are.I know what hurts him the most.I know he shows love towards everyone but is afraid of being loved." She said,still focusing on the screen.
"yeah I know b-but why a-are you telling these t-things to me."I tried my hardest not to shutter.
"I just felt like I should."she gave me a cheeky smile and I gulped.
"We're here" I announced as I parked my car.
We got off the car and we went inside the waiting room.
"Oh no!" Amber said in an annoyed voice.
"The flight is 1 hr will be arriving at 6 p.m"
"Um.....So what should we do now?"
"Okay,let's go for shopping.I think it's a good time to buy some things for my family."Amber said and I noded in agreement.

We went round the mall and Amber went inside each and every store.she bought loads of things and made me carry all of them.I pouted everytime she said "this is the last one,I promise."for I know it was never gonna be the truth.after she finished shopping,she treated me with some ice-creams and was time when I dropped her at the airport,gave her a hug and drove in myself to home.when I parked my car at the garage,I felt like something was off.the house was darker and gloomier than usual.

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