chapter 13

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So a short trigger warning before this chapter: It contains some well described attempts to self-harm.if you're sensitive to the upcoming topic,then I would like to suggest you not to read this chapter.this is just a filler and therefore could be shipped.

After a moment of silence,she stared at me and then she started laughing hysterically.she backed off a bit and then was about to trip on a rock but luckily I held her by her waist.she tried to get her hysteria under control but she failed miserably as she gazed into my eyes and saw nothing but lies in them.I wanted to laugh at my lies but then again,I wanted to cry.I wanted to cry till she would think that I'm not a human but a malfunctioning air conditioner.being annoyed at her behaviour,I cleared my throat.
"Um sorry but that was hillarious" she stated,trying to laugh away her sadness.
"What's so funny about that?" I demanded.
"Maybe its what I wanted to be true but then again,it's something that I can't handle being true." She whispered to nobody in general.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Rye,you're so don't even know what you're looking for.your heart doesn't even knows for whom it beats.but do you know what?It's not your fault.this is something that lies inside all of us.we always try to burry ourselves for the sake of not being washed away by the wave of emotions.have you ever thought of what you want?Whom you want?Why you want?No!All you care about is keeping others happy even if it costs your happiness.but Rye,you can never win everyone and everything in life.I know you love Andy,heck I knew it since the day you held his hand,with so much of love,when he refused to go out with us,when you hugged him tightly when the other boys tried to pull a scary prank on him,when you kissed him infront of everyone and said that you did it because it was a dare.but Ryan,perhaps I was the only one to notice how you refused to let go of him,how you refused to draw back your hands from his waist and how you wanted more of him but you were too scared to ask I had a chat with that idiot just to ask him what's up with him but Rye,he's in pieces.he may say that he's okay but Rye,both of us clearly know that he's not and do you know what hurts me the most?The fact that I can't help him.that bastard had always known about my crush on you and now today,he'd asked me to ask you out.that mother fucker is such a mess.he knows that he can't live without you but let's be honest,he doesn't wants to live either.all he thinks bout is how he hurts others but he doesn't knows,some people are keeping up with their shit just for him.Ryan,please save him from owe this to me.P-please."
Both of us broke down into silent tears,her tears made her face glister in the moonlight,while mine continued to slowly soak my jumper.I wanted to run away.all I wanted to do was slap Andy and tell him how much I love him.I wanted to slap him once again because of his foolishness and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.I wanted to scream my lungs out on him and I wanted to hug him so tight that our bodies would seem to have merged together.
I didn't knew if I was angry or sad.perhaps both.perhaps neither.
Being embarrassed of my tears that I wasn't able to control,l turned around and started walking in the other direction.suddenly,Amber came rushing towards me and hugged me as tightly as she could.
"P-please bring me the Andy that we a-ll deserve." She said while a whimper left her lips.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer
"perhaps he's asleep" I thought but my heart wasn't convinced,just like always.
I knocked a second time but still,nothing but echoes were fingers tensed and I softly pushed the door.he hadn't locked it which,to me,meant that he was okay.I heaved and walked inside his room which was as dark as death.I looked at his bed but I could certainly see that he wasn't on the heart started racing and my soul started screaming that something bad has happened to fingers unconsciously traced along the switch and I switched on the dressing table light which was dim but enough to lighten the sight that I would've never wanted to see.
I saw Andy laying on the ground with a peaceful expression-perhaps he looked more peaceful than he did in his deepest sleep.he was laying in a pool of blood and his face was pale.
"Is this the end?" My soul asked me.
I wanted to scream at myself for having such nasty lips parted to let me scream but only a set of soft whimpers left my mouth.
"N-no,nev-ver!" I rebuked myself.
Tears started retracing their path like they did a few minutes ago.I felt as if I were paralysed,I felt dizzy.with great difficulty,I persuaded myself to walk towards him but soon my legs gave up and now I was sitting helplessly beside fingers traced his cheeks,they were cold and lifeless.having no more strength,I laid my head on his chest.and started crying hysterically.with the strength that I was left with,I wrapped my hand tightly around his wound to prevent any more blood loss.
I was desperate to hear his heart beat but all I could hear was the violent thumping of my heart.
Maybe he wasn't breathing.perhaps I wasn't either.
I pulled out my phone and dialled the only number that I saw at first.
"Hey bro...wassup?Is everything okay?" Mikey slurred in his sleepy voice.
I forced myself to speak but the words seemed to oppose my intention.I tried harder until there was no more air left in my lungs.
"A-Andy" I said and collapsed on his chest once again.
I heard Mikey shout at me from the other side but I couldn't figure out what he was saying.
My tears soaked Andy's jumper while I wrapped my fingers tightly around his wrist.

After a few minutes,I heard footsteps in the corridor and saw Mikey burst into the room.
"Oh shit!" Mikey rushed towards Andy and checked his pulse.
"Jack,Brook,Elvis...Come upstairs" Mikey screamed at the top of his voice while he kept rubbing Andy's chest.
"Shh Ryan,He's okay..Rye,he's gonna be okay" Mikey said with a shaky voice that made me relax a bit.I rubbed off my tears as I pulled Andy onto my lap.
I tapped my feet on the floor.I fidgeted with my rings and I kept rubbing my palms together.I was too scared to talk.Mikey noticed my restlessness and sat down beside me.he rubbed my back and hugged me tightly.
"Rye,he's okay...He's just lost a bit of blood but that's it."he said and started rubbing off my tears.
Mikey then glanced at Amber who was crying silently.their eyes met for a brief second and then Mikey looked back at me and sighed.
"And Rye,I don't know what's going on with Andy and you but I trust you enough.I don't what to interfere between you but Rye,just remember one thing,it is Andy's life that is in danger.I don't know why he did such a thing and I know that you're the only one who knows why but I'll never force you to tell something that you don't want to." He said and hugged me once again and kissed my forehead.

"Excuse me?Are you related to Mr Fowler?" The nurse came before us.
"He's regained his senses and he's able to can see him if you want but I'll allow only two of you." The nurse said.
"It's okay,only Rye will go." Mikey stated.
I walked inside the room as the strong smell of chemicals hit my nose.he saw me walking towards him and he turned his head the other way with great effort.I traced my fingers through his hair and then through his cold cheeks.a tear slipped from my eye and fell on Andy's forehead.Andy jerked his head up and he looked up at me with anger and frustration in his eyes.he lifted his fragile body with all his effort and wiped off the tear that threatened to fall down my cheek.
Hey guys,long time no see....Lol...Sorry for the super late update...I had my exams and I didn't want to fail....Hehe....Anyways,don't forget to vote and comment.

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