Chapter 12

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The search began with basic google searches about their team's current status and game plays. I thoroughly checked through all official websites and multiple fan sites of each member.

Time quickly flew by during my research before I stood up and stretched my arms above my head.

"That should be enough basic knowledge of each member now", I let out a huge sigh of content and sat down once again.

"Now, time to-", I began.

The classroom doors open suddenly and a wave of students begin to flood the room, filling in the once empty seats.

"Crap, it's already 8:25", I mentally cursed.

The peaceful quiet I loved had dissipated within seconds of the students' arrival. Loud and energetic chatter between friend groups replaced silence in the classroom.

I quickly closed my laptop lid before any of my classmates see what I was doing on my laptop. Though most would believe that I was a hardcore fangirl of the Nekoma volleyball team upon seeing countless tabs of information and photos of the members.

Looking around, everyone seemed to mind their own business in their own little groups, giving not as much as a glance to what I may have been doing on my laptop; which is a good thing. Well, since I sit in the back corner, they wouldn't be able to see what I was searching anyway.

"Looks like I gotta deal with this during break"

"Alright, everyone settle down. I will be taking attendance now".


*ding ding ding*

The ringing of the school bell signalled the beginning of the first break. Students immediately flocked to their usual friendship groups and began chattering away.

I packed my textbooks away and brought out the books required for the next class. I grabbed my laptop, along with a few spare coins, and headed out of the classroom to the closest vending machine on campus.



A packet of chips fell through the chute of the vending machine. I picked them up and decided to look for somewhere quiet to sit. 

Minutes later, I found a shady spot under a tree and sat down. Opening my bag of chips, I continued my research on Nekoma's volleyball team on my laptop. 

With the countless amount of tabs open, I slowly started to compile them into compact files to have a more detailed profile for each member. 

As I was busy with their profiles, I had failed to notice a lurking figure close by behind another tree.


*ding ding* 

"Ah, crap already?", I sighed, "gotta get back before class starts in 5 minutes"

I hurriedly packed away my laptop into its case and power-walked back to my classroom.

I opened the classroom door, expecting everyone to ignore me as usual.

N. O. P. E.

All heads turned around at the sound of the door opening and planted their eyes on me. 

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