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Jisung arch his back as he let out a shaky moan.


Minho panted as his hands ball up the sheets into his hands,gripping them tightly.

"'re so tight baby.." he groan as he kept pushing in,he could feel the younger's fingernails digging into to his skin. He whine in pain and in pleasure. "i-it.. Hurts.. " jisung whimper as his eyes welled up with tears, Minho didn't hesitate to lean in to kiss those tears away.

"don't worry..the pain would go away eventually.. I'll make you feel good sung.." he breathe out before his lips attack the other's neck,he could hear the jisung's moans which excited him even more.

"y-you can move now.." jisung shyly said

Minho quickly shot up from his bed,once again in a cold sweat as he slightly breath heavily. His heart was pounding in chest of the hot dream he had with the younger. Lately they have been becoming more than just steamy makeouts.. It was now dreams of him fully taking jisung's virginity. He groan as he buried his face into his hands,how could he be dreaming such things about the younger? If jisung knew,he would be disgusted. He looked down and it wasn't no longer a surprise seeing a tent In his sweatpants. It looks like he was going to have to go to the bathroom to solve this issue once again-

"..hyung.. Are you okay..?" a drowsy voice asked.

Minho silently cursed to himself as he looked to the other side of the room and there he was. A sleepy squirrel slowly sitting up as he rubbed the sleep off his eyes. "..did you had a nightmare..? " jisung asked the older. Even if it was dark, Minho could tell jisung's gaze was on him,he gulped as he pull his blanket over his crotch. "y-yeah.. A scary one..but it's okay you can go back to sleep now." he said, though it was a lie since the dream was no nightmare. It was the best fucking dream he had ever had but jisung didn't need to know that. "are you sure hyung..? I-if you want to,I can sleep with you! That way you won't have another nightmare!" jisung exclaimed excitedly. Minho's breath hitched,the idea of having jisung sleeping next to him made him feel a certain way. He shook his head" no..I said im fine,go back to sleep. Stop being so noisy" Minho replied quite coldly before he lay back down and cover himself with his covers once again.

Jisung pouted at his request being denied but he wasn't going to keep on pushing it. "good night hyung" he whispered before he went back under his covers, going into a slump once again. Minho groaned as he roll onto his back, the tighten feeling In his sweatpants was starting to feel uncomfortable. He couldn't accept the blonde boy's request, knowing he wouldn't have much self control and make the boy solve the issue in his pants. He couldn't taint that pureness and innocence of that boy but oh god how deeply he wanted too. Minho sat up and made his way to the bathroom to fix that issue all on his own.
Minho woke up to the sunlight hitting his face, he groan as he scrunch his nose. He slowly opened his eyes as he reach out for his phone to check the time.
But right on his phone there was a sticky note.

' went out for groceries!I'll be back soon!breakfast is on the table. Heat it up if it's cold! ' — jisung:)♥

The older couldn't help but let a small smile on his face,he took the sticky note and place it on his desk. He checked the time and saw It was 10am, it was weekend and more likely they were off for Christmas break  this week, so there was no worries for being late to class. He stood up and made his way to dining table where his breakfast would be: pancakes,scramble eggs and Bacon.

"...housewife.. My housewife.. My wife"Minho let out a small chuckled at the silly comment he said. He heated up his food since it was cold. He let out a small yawn as he stretch his arms.

"..hyung you're funny!.."

Minho turn his head to the muffled voices coming from the door. The sound of the door beeping signaling the door was unlocked and soon flung opened. Ther stood a giggling jisung and right by his side it was no other than bangchan himself. Laughing along with jisung, seeing this sight made him his stomach turn. He didn't know why..he didn't like the fact chan was the reason for jisung's smile, more likely he was so close to him..

Jisung turn his towards his direction, his smile brighten seeing the older."lee know hyung,you're finally awake!" He exclaimed, chan looked towards Minho's direction. Minho snapped out of his trance as he blinked before a cold expression was place on his face."...yeah..I got hungry.." he spoke quietly but still loud enough for jisung to hear. The microwave went off and Minho took out his plate, jisung just watch him do so before he brought his attention to the other male. Minho gripped the fork as he heard chatter and laughter behind his back, he tried hid best to ignore it..but he couldn't..

"jisung,did you finish Mrs. Jones physics homework?"

"man...math is hARd. I didn't do a single problem and its due tomorrow "

"Im halfway done with mine, but if you want to, you can come over and I'll gladly help you with it"

"R-really? "


A sound of a utensil hitting the ground interrupted them,they both looked over at the open kitchen. Minho had his back to them. He muttered a sorry before he walked over to his bed and grabbed his hoodie and before he went out his shoes "im taking a walk.." he spoke coldly with a hint of annoyance  was he walked out the door. Slamming the door on his way out as well. Jisung flinched at that, he frowned as he eyed the door before he looked at chan."...d-did I do something wrong..? " chan looked at him and shook his head."no.. You didn't do anything wrong jisung" he smiled to reassured the younger as he ruffled his soft blonde hair.
Jisung was starting to get worried, he looked at the clock and it was way past midnight. It's been hours since Minho had stormed out and he hadn't come back ever since. He had no idea where he was, he already had let tears stream down his face as he chew on his bottom lip. The worst part he had no way into contracting him which made him ten times for worry and anxious than he already was.

The door flung open and there came a stumbling Minho. Jisung sat up from Minho's bed as he watched the older stumbling in. Minho held onto the chair to hold his balance, he slowly looked up to see Jisung starting at him with a concerned face.

"lee know hyung!where did you went off too?!do you know what time it is?! You got me so worry about you!" han said through tears.

"...thats not my name sweetheart~" Minho slurred out. "...why are you so worry where I was..?are you my wife or something?"  Jisung furrowed his eyebrows as he crossed his arms."this is no time to start to pick one me!look at the state you're in lee know hyung!-"

Minho groan as he rubbed his temple "Youre giving me a headache.. " he took a step foward. "why aRe you so worked up..?~" and another one "weren't you enjoying your time with tHat guy?.." and another one. He hiccuped as he place his hands on the younger's shoulders and pushed him down onto his bed. Jisung gasped as he saw the older hovered above him. "w-what are you doing..?..lee know h-"

"Minho.. My name is Minho sweetheart~" he slurred out  before he lean in to capture the younger's small plump lips. Jisung's eyes widened, he was quick to push off the older and sit up afterwards . He place his fingers over his lips...his first kiss was taken away,Minho took his first kiss. Jisung looked over at Minho,it seem like the man had passed out. Jisung's heart was pounding in his chest,still trying to take in what had just happened seconds ago. He stared at the now sleeping male, he was flustered that Minho had taken his first kiss like that.

"...that's your name..?..Minho.."

[sorry tHat this cHapTer seems rUshed and probably more crappy bUt here it is. I did say things were finna get more heated 👀 and I think this werE it all stArts. And aLso ima say hOpe y'all had a great Christmas because I'm surE I did. Anyways I'll try to update one more before we all go back hell again. See y'all next time!also sorry for any grammar errors onCe again 🤷 ]

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