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"...how do you know this..?"

Jisung quietly asked the older who sat across from him. Starring at him with glossy eyes as bangchan simply looked down at the cup of tea in his hands.Minho slightly slam his fist against the table, making the cups rattle a bit and bangchan finally looking up.

"she dragged you into her dirty schemes didn't she..?is this why you're not saying anything?! "


Minho furrowed his eyebrows in frustration as he greeted his teeth, standing up to reach a cross the table to grab the mute male by his collar and shook him slightly. "you bastard- what exactly did she make you do?!why aren't you saying anything?!!!"

Jisung reach out to grab Minho's arm,trying to pull him away."h-hyung..please calm down..you'll hurt him!" he said panicking, worried that this would break out into violence.

"..yuna.. Simply saw me as a chess piece.." chan finally said quietly,his eyes shifted towards the anxious squirrel. " to eliminate a squirrel out of the picture.."

Minho raised a hand,turning it into a fist before harshly making contct with the older's cheek.


Bangchan slightly stumbled back as he wince in pain,holding his reddened cheek. Minho rolled up his sleeves, already walking towards him but something slowed him down.

"..jisung..let go.."

The younger held tightly onto the hem of Minho'S shirt,shaking his head."no!..stop..! You're going to hurt him even more!"

"are you stupid?! This man simply just used you!" Minho angrily snapped at the younger,reaching out to pull his grasp off him.

"you're the stupid one here"

Minho turn around, narrowing his eyes at the blonde hair male. Bangchan returning the glare back at him.

"I would never.. Hurt jisung! My intentions were never to hurt him! You idiot.. I love him too.."

Minho let out a dry laugh. "w-what..?" scoffing at Chan as he took a step closer to him.

"you heard me..I have feelings for jisung..this is why she dragged me into this.."

The black hair male then stopped,his glare dropped from his face as he eyed the junior standing in front of him. Chan had brought his hands to his hair,letting his head hung low.

"im ashamed of my actions..I know I did wrong. But...the thought of Jisung feeling the same as me..to be able to hold him..kiss him..and see that smile...I just wanted to be with.. "

Minho ignore the younger's actions and walked towards Chan,dragging jisung along as he refused to let him go.

"I was used because of my feelings for jisung.. I am a fool for getting my emotions in the way of this.." Chan had his head hung low as he spoke,but he could hear the steps of Minho slowly approaching him. Closing his eyes as he felt Minho's presence,getting ready himself for another punch he'll receive from the male. But it never came, instead he was harshly flicked by Minho. Chan quickly looked up in surprise, paying no attention to the pain that shot through his head.

"she's very manipulative isn't she..?" Minho clicked his tongue as he stuff his hands into his pockets. Chan was shocked seeing Minho so calm, he expected getting beat up by a angry minho by now.

"lee kn-"



Minho removed his hand from his pocket and extended it out towards Chan.

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