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The sound of the door clicking gave a sense of relief of finally being Back from the long trip. Opening the door to reveal a quite messy place..well mostly coming from his roommate's doing. Letting out a sigh as he let his shoulders slumped down at what he was seeing in front of him. There was clothes scatter everywhere, containers of ramen could be found every part of the room and as well containers of take out.

"Oh! Woojin you're back!"

Woojin turn around to face his roommate, squinting his eyes at him as he crossed his arms. The blonde head look behind him to see the Room's case and then glance back the brunette head. He gave a awkward smile as he nervously laugh.

"I should have know better.. " Woojin said as he shook his head and turn around to walk inside ,dragging his suitcase along with him.

"next time..you're NOT staying in this room When im not around "

"Oh Woojin come on!- I swear It won't happen again!" the male whined as he follow behind the bear. Woojin simply walked to his side of the room,which was left untouched and organized, placing his suitcase on his bed.

"you're never around.. You're always in the studio.. You barely sleep or barely have a proper meal...you should really fix yourself ,Chan.." Woojin spoked in an annoyed tone, annoyed that he came back to a messy room when The other promise he'll take good care of it. This wasn't the first time.

In fact this was how their dorm looked the most of the time.

Chan let out a sigh as he scratch behind his head."i know I know Woojin.. Im sorry.. I just been very busy and you're right.. I barely have been stopping here.."

"I guess I can't be helped..im sorry I shouldn't have exploded like that- " Woojin flinched when he felt a heavyweight on his back,it was chan who had leaned against his back with his.

"you're heavy get off-"

"Woojin can I ask you a  favor..?"

"woojin hyung...?"

Woojin blinked as he snapped out of his trance and looked over at the group of boys, all looking at him with a concern look.

"are you okay..?..you kinda space out right there.." jeongin quietly said as he noticed how glossy the older's eyes were getting.  Woojin quickly wipe his eyes  with His hand and gave them a reassuring smile. He shook his head as he was brushing off the younger's question.

"this way.." was all he said as he stepped out of the elevator and other Five followed behind. They were suprised or shock about it, the floor seem so old and dirty,it seem like no one had stepped a foot in here. In fact many doors were covered with nail bored, preventing anyone to try to get in. The lights were flickering which gave all of them the creeps.

"Woojin..h-hyung..?what is this place..?" Minho ask, finally breaking the silence between them and Woojin. The brunette stopped walking, making Minho to stop walking and the others as well. Woojin turn around to face them.

"This is an abandoned floor,it was never finished so it was left untouched. No one ever comes here. "

"t-then why are we here..? " seungmin quietly spoke as he glance around the place,hugging himself as he felt uncomfortable being here. It felt lile he was in a horror movie or something.

"...bbecause... This is where she's hiding "

Minho eyes lit up by this,slightly stumbling as he approach Woojin. "h-how do you know this..? She's here...?...is jisung here!?" Minho slightly exclaimed as he place his hands on woojin's shoulders.

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