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" what do you mean he's not with you?"

"is he not with you? "

Minho was on the edge, he didn't know where jisung had wonder off and he couldn't even locate him. He had call him and text him so many times but the younger wasn't picking up nor replying to his messages. At this point he was running around like crazy just trying to find his squirrel,the other's couldn't even catch up with him anymore.

"y-youre telling lost jisung..?? While that crazy ex of yours?! Is out there?!" Seungmin exclaimed angrily at the older,he reach out to grab Minho by his collar to bring him closer."if anything happens to jisung! You're going to pay for it you bastard!we trusted you!" he spoke with venom in his tone as he shook the older.

"s-seungmin calm down...!" Felix exclaimed as he tried to pulled off his friend from the older.
"we're sorry hyung..but jisung hasn't stopped by..we haven't heard from him all day.." Felix said as he look over at Minho." could you lose him!? We put him in your hands!do you know how hard that was to do hyung?! "Felix exclaimed at him,also upset at the fact that jisung was missing. Seungmin scoffed and let go Of Minho's collar."have you check  your dorm..?"

"I have...but he's not there. It's only jeongin"

"who's jeongin?-"

"im jisung's younger brother "

Everyone let out a scream in surprise at the new addition of the group they didn't even know about.

"w-wait when did you get he-"

"that's not what matters!my brother is missing and you didn't dare to tell me Hyung!that's cruel!im His family you should have told me first!" jeongin exclaimed as he pointed at Minho. "I trusted you with jisung but you already lost him! You little-!" Before jeongin could tackle Minho he was hold back By hyunjin. "hey-! Let's not attack anyone today"

"let me go!Im going to beat his ass!!"

"hah.. That reminds me of you seungmin"

"this is not the time to laugh!.. Besides thats you!"

"no it's not!it's you!"

"ow!did this kid just Bit Me?! "


All eyes were on changbin.

"look.. We're all scared..someone we care and love has gone missing and we don't know where they are..instead of just going after each other's neck, let's work together to find the two..dont y'all agree?" changbin let out a sigh in relief in finally being able to stop the chaotic situation to grow and have everyone's attention.

"Changbin is right..fighting and blaming each other isn't gonna lead us to anywhere.. Lets work together to find chan and jisung.." hyunjin spoke as he look at the others, letting go of jeongin in the process.

"I agree with Hyunjin..let's all team up and find where yuna could we came to conclusion that she probably is behind all of this" Seungmin said as he fix his glasses.

"if it's yuna....where are we going to find her?? where's her hide out..?" Felix question as he look at the others. "that's the one thing we don't know and its frustrating.. " Minho said as he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh in annoyance of not knowing what to do.

Someone clear their throat making them all stare at the youngest among them. Though jeongin looked confused at having all eyes on him,he shook his head. "It wasn't me"

"then who-"

"it..was me.."

They all turn around to face someone who seem a bit older then them,at least by a year or two. He had brown hair with honeybrown eyes, he look like a friendly bear. he seem he had just been coming back from somewhere seeing The grocery bags in both hands. "you're blocking my way...but..I think I can help with finding your friends"

"how long have you been standing there?"

" just a couple of minutes, my intention wasn't to eavesdrop. I didn't want to interrupt your serious conversation "

"....what's your name..?"

The male smiled warmly at them."me?..My name is kim woojin"


Jisung let out a groan in pain, he felt a horrible throbbing pain going through his head. It was like the worst case of a headache he ever gotten in his 19 Years of living.

"w-where am I..?" opening his eyes just to meet with nothing but darkness and that's where everything hit him. Finally realizing where he was and why he was here in the first place.

"Chan?!..chan hyung!?! Where are you!?" jisung exclaimed,looking around in the dark closet.

"im right here jisung.. " Chan's tired voice came from the other end of the closet,jisung quickly crawl all the way till he bump into something. "c-chan?!"

"'s me jisung.. " Chan said with a weak chuckled.jisung quickly search his pockets and let out a sigh relief of still having his phone on him. He quickly turn on the flashlight and use it to help him united his friend. Finally being able to free his friend from the tight ropes,bang Chan was able to sit up properly and rub  his wrist where it still ache in pain.

"Thanks jisung.. But now we're both trapped... Im sorry ji.. " Bang chan quietly said as he slowly look at the younger,being able to see his face as it was illuminated by his phone's flashlight. Thought despite of the situation, jisung smiled brightly at the older,in fact he threw himself on him. Engulfing chan into a bear hug,making Chan fall backwards onto his back and bringing jisung along with him.

"I don't care..! Im just glad that I finally found you!..and that you're alive!..hyung!!" jisung said as tears were threatening to escape his eyes. Chan couldn't help but smile as he slowly wrapped his arms around him."im glad.. That you found me too jisung.. Im so fucking glad.. " chan said as he felt he was going to break into tears any second now.

Jisung pulled away and help Chan to sit back up once again. "we just need a way to get out.." jisung said as he use his phone to light the way. Trying to find were were the knobs of the closet's door but there was none. That led him trying to slid the doors open but that didn't work either.

"she probably tied something around the knobs from The outside " Chan said after he tried to pry the door open once again and look back at jisung.

"have you tried calling for help?" chan ask as he pointed at The younger's phone. Jisung frown as he nodded"I have..but for some reason im not getting any signal in here"

Chan let out a sigh in frustration as he press his back against the doors and slid down.

"im sorry hyung... "

Chan shook his head and hesitantly reach over to grab jisung's hand."no no it's not your fault..don't worry..we'll figure out something else.." chan said with a reassuring smile.

Jisung hold slightly tightly onto chris's hand.
"i-if im honest with scare hyung.." chan let out a chuckled as he reach with his free hand and gently patted their hands."i know.. But it's okay because hyung is here."
The older said as he gently pull jisung to his chest.

This startled the younger,they hadn't had this much skin ship before, at least not after their little affair. He even flinch when the Chan place his hands on his lower back.

" not trying to do anything." chan said as he gently patted the younger's back. "whatever happen between in the past. Im just.. Looking after you because im your hyung and i know..Minho would murder me if something happens to you."

Jisung slightly nodded,slightly smiling as he nuzzle his face against Chan's chest to get more comfortable. Finally feeling at ease and relax,jisung knew everything would be fine as long as he was chan and his phone's flashlight didn't die one them.

Everything will be alright.


' Minho hyung...hurry up..'
Well well, look who updated agAin.

Anyways im sorry this chapter was short and rush but I just wanted to update y'all again!

Heads up that ruin me is almost done:')

See y'all next time!

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