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"...hyung..I think I'm in love with you.. "


"M-Minho hyung-"

" don't know what you're talking about"

Minho replied quite coldly as he pulled away from the younger's grasp. Sitting up on the bed,having his back facing Jisung. The younger froze as he felt like his whole world shatter in front of his face. "..w-what..?" his voice cracked as he slowly sat up. "h-hyung..I do!..I think I'm.. No..I love you!I'm in lov-"


Jisung flinched at hearing the older raising his voice like that.Minho turn to face him,glaring at him with his eyes filled with rage. "shut up would you?!tell me,what do you know about Love?TELL ME" Minho shouted,though.. He sounded like he was in pain.
Jisung was trembling in fear, he didn't mean to cause this..he just thought that just maybe..Minho felt the same. He could already feel the hot tears streaming down his face,his heart was cracking. He reach out towarda Minho. "M-minho hyung...I love you..I really do!please believe me..!" his voice wavering as he spoked in tears. Minho glance at his hand and back at him. "don't get near me.." he spoke sternly as he turn around to start walking away but then he felt two arms wrapped around his waist and
Something pressing against his back. Jisung hugged him from behind as he burried his head onto the older's back."don't go hyung..please don't leave me alone..I s-swear I'll t-take back from what I said! Please just forget about it!please don't leave M-me hyung..I.. You can't ..I can't stand being alone!" Jisung cried out, he sounded so hurt and broken that It was even hurting Minho hearing him like that.

'..I'm sorry ji..'

"let Go You BRAT! " Minho shouted as he yanked jisung's arms from him ,pushing him away in the process. Jisung sat up as the sound of the door being slammed shut rang throughout the dorm. Jisung soon broke into sobs,he was in pain. Heartbroken, he felt like his heart was shatter in million in pieces. He brought up his hands to his hair and slightly yanked it as he cried loudly.

' it's my fault.. It's my fault.. Minho doesn't love me..'

He had never felt so much pain before, at least not the pain he was left with. He lay down his side as he hiccup from crying. Tears were still running down his face and even more tears started trailng down.

"..why doesn't Minho hyung believes me..?"

Minho didn't come back to their Dorm. Jisung already hated waking up to being alone in the huge dorm. Jisung would start up his day with crying and would end his day by crying himself to sleep. He hated himself so much,he shouldn't have said anything. He should have swept his feelings under the rug and just enjoyed Minho teasing him..even if Minho didn't loved should have been enough. Why was he so selfish?why couldn't he just kept his mouth tight? Jisung bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from crying as he was already feeling his eyes getting watery. He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "hey..are you alright? "Felix asked in a concern tone, this was the first time he had ever heard Felix talked so calmly. Jisung wanted to tell him yes but he broke into tears, quiet sobs. "Mr.Jones can I take Jisung out for a walk?he's not feeling well" Felix asked the teacher who simply nodded. Jisung could already feel the stares and the whispering.. He felt anxiety creep up.

"HEY mINd YOur OWN busiNESs! "

And there's the Felix we know

Felix guide Jisung out of the classroom, the squirrel still in tears. Felix pulled out his phone to quickly sent a text before looking back at Jisung. He gave him a comforting smile "let's go my dorm..seungmin is meeting us there shortly.. "Jisung nodded. Felix didn't like the sight he was seeing his best friend in..he looked so drain..lifeless.. It looks like he was run over and over again.It seem he had been crying. Felix even himself slightly tear up, he didn't like seeing his friend in so much pain.

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