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Christmas break was finally over (sadly) and it was the fresh start of the new year (i don't want to grow up).

As always, Jisung was the first one to leave,leaving earlier than Minho as his classes were on the other side of the campus unlike Minho's. He open up his journal to review the new lyrics he had written over break, even though he was miserable most of break. He was able to bring himself to write his feelings down in his journal, its something he always did since he was little. At first it was just him writing randomly his emotions down on a piece of a paper but because of this, it gave him a special talent; a lyricist.

Suddenly someone harshly bump into him, making him dropped his journal on the ground. He looked up to see who he had bump into, he met with two red tired eyes,Red from crying so much but also filled with such negative emotions..hatred..? The female who bumped into him didn't apologize but scoffed at him.

"excuse you" she replied rudely as she walked past him, hitting his shoulder as she walked by. Jisung blinked as he watched her walked off.


And with that, he bend down to pick up his journal to resume walking to his first class of the day. Deciding to pay no mind to the rude female.

'...you should suffer..you took him from me..'


Jisung turn around towards the person who called him out. Chan grinned as he finally catch up to the younger, already taking his hand out of his coat's pocket to ruffle those Soft blonde locks. This only earn him a whine from the younger,complaining that the older had messed up his gorgeous hair. Bang chan only chuckled at the squirrel's cuteness, he just wanted to pinch those cheeks and smooch him all over... But he couldn't.

"I can see that your roots are finally showing"

"ah!..r-really..?should I dyed it again?"

"imean.. If you want to be bald before you turn 20,be my guest"

"I-...if you wanna have raccoon eyes before you turn 22,be mY guest"

"hey!why are you coming at me for??"

"y-you're the one who started!"

"but there was no need for you to bring my sleeping problems into this!"

"aLrigHt loVe birdS, its only 7 in the morning
So please  quiet doWn before yOu wake up anyone else"

"c-changbin hyung, when did you get here?!"

"I been here,y'all were too focus in you're own world too notice" the short male said as he roll his eyes before letting out a yawn. The comment that changbin  said surely made Chan's pale cheeks to reddened up a bit and awkwardly looked away as be scratched behind his head. Though Jisung was jusT simply clueless by chan's sudden shyness. He shrugged it off and brought his attention to changbin with a small smile."changbin hyung I finally finish my part, should I send it to you?"

Changbin and han met through Chan,they both had the passion for music and they were all majoring in music or music production. Though changbin and han didn't shared any classes,they started hanging out together, alongside chan and Even started working on music together. Changbin smiled at the younger as he nodded,"sure,but you didn't had to rush through it when you still had a whole month to work on it. Im impressed kid"

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