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All he could feel was pain, a horrible throbbing pain running through his head. It hurt to even to open his eyes but slowly he regain consciousness. Opening his eyes just to meet with darkness, he felt something wrapped tightly around his wrists which he assumed he's probably tied up. Letting out a groan in frustration, not knowing where he was or what to do to escape this situation.

The sound of some sort of the door slide open caught his attention,making him look towards it even though he couldn't see anything but darkness.

"huh..I see that you're awake.. "

The male flinch when he felt getting whatever was blocking his view,ripped off. He squinted his eyes at light, trying to get use to them before fully opening them. His eyes focusing on the person standing in front of them, watching them as they got down to his level.

He flinched,moving slightly back at seeing how the person was leaning towards him.

"channie~" The person said in a high tone pitch as she reach out to cup the boy's face into his hands,slightly squishing his cheeks. She let out a small giggle,Chan simply looked at her with disgust. She pouted at this.

"channie, don't look at me like that!besides..this is your fault.. You're the one who betray me.." she said as her voice dropped to her normal tone,slightly digging her nails into his skin which made him whine in pain.

"s-stop...." He breathed out as he shook her hands off his face. This made her scoffed
"I was thinking of letting you go but how you treated me is making think otherwise. "

"cut it out and just let me go...what's the point for doing all of this??just to get a boy who doesn't love you?? Yuna, he.doesn't."

Yuna remain silent for a minute before slowly reaching to squish Chan's face with one hand,gritting her teeth. "does it look like I CARE??'ll get him a way or another.. You can't stop me." she let out a chuckled as she eye him up and down. "it's not like you could anyways now that your tied up like this.aren't you embarrassed? Got knocked out a and tied up by a girl?? "

Chan bit his bottom lip,he couldn't admit that or his pride would be even more hurt than it already was. He averted his eyes away from her which made her let out another chuckled as she roll her eyes. She stood up, letting go of the blonde head harshly. Making him fall to his side, he let out a grunt in pain.

"you're no use anymore ..this where you're going to stay..silence or I'll exposed what you and that freshman did.."

Before chan could even respond, yuna had slide the door close. Leaving him in the dark once again.

"w-what..I d-dont understand.. She moved. Minho..she's not-.."

"hyunjin.. She's back, bang Chan has been meeting up with her" Minho slammed his hands onto the coffe table, getting even more work up about this. Hyunjin couldn't really believe or grasp on what was happening, all the yuna stuff was supposed to stay in the past but now it was all coming back at them.

Hyunjin ran a hand threw his hair as he let out a sigh in frustration. "you're telling me..yuna is probably holding chan as hostage we speak..?she's really here..?..dude..this.."

"think about it,chan went missing after telling us about her plan. She probably figured it out and has him I don't know?!locked up?!? The point is,she's behind this! "

Hyunjin rubbed his temple."dude how can you be so sure about this when you haven't even seen her yourself?! She just can't  fly from states back to here just to-..oh my God yuna is back "

"My EXACT point hyunjin! "

"yuna this..yuna that WHO THE FUCK IS YUNA?!" changbin exclaimed finally after being silence for so long while these retorted back at each other for the past hour. Minho and Hyunjin both look at each other and than at the changbin. Hyunjin fake a cough to look away while Minho clear his throat.

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