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"you should thank me"

"why should I thank you..?"

Hyunjin huff as he turn around in his chair, gripping on the back of the chair with one hand and other one use to point at the older.
"yOu shOUld thank Me!!!If I didn't told you what I knew, you wouldnt have gone seen Jisung in the first place!"

Minho simply rolled his eyes at the younger's rambling as he proceeded to to pack his things into his bag. "..yeah..sure...totally.."

"I regret telling you..shOUld have let yOU suffe-..c-chill..hyunG..chill.. PuT that bag down I'm sorry,okay?? "

"that's what I thought " Minho said as glance away from the poor scared hyunjin as he placed his bag back down.

"besides.. How did jisung told you that he and bang Chan...y-you know..uh-"

"oh- he didn't told me, I overhead heard his conversation with seungmin and his other friend."

Minho raised an eyebrow as he looked over at hyunjin, giving him that smug expression.


"how come you learn one name and not the other one's name??sounds suspicious"

"no- listen it's not what you think it is-"

"sounds to me you took a liking to a certain someone"

"N-No I d-diDnt. YOu gOt it all wroNg!"

"what was his name again? "

"seungmin-...I HATE YOU"

Hyunjin threw a pillow at a dying of laughte, Minho,which he was able to doge. God he was enjoying seeing this flustered hyunjin, not a sight he has seen before or so. After a while of Hyunjin and Minho chasing each other around the room,they found themselves laying on the floor trying to catch their breath.

"so..seungmin? " Minho asked between breathes as he glance over Hyunjin, who was the same state as him. He brought his hands to his face,like he was trying to hide. "...I think I like him..?but at the same time I don't know..?it's complicated hyung...I gave him my phone number but he hasn't texted back!..you think that was too much..??" hyunjin asked as he removed his hands from his face to look at Minho for a response.

"well,..you guys didn't meant till they storm in here to give me a scolding. You guys just met,give it some time. Im sure he'll warm up to you" Minho said with a genuinely smile, and hyunjin return the smile as he nodded a the advice that was given by him.

"yeah..you're right.. We just met.." hyunjin smiled as he lay back on his back to stare up at the ceiling. "..hey hyung..what are you gonna do..?"

"what do you mean?"

"well you know..Bang chan"

Minho scoffed at the name being announced infront of him. "what about him..??"

"what do you mean??Bang chan is your rival here!"

Minho turn to lay on his side to face hyunjin, slightly glaring at the younger boy in front of him. "how the hell is he my rival??" this made hyunjin roll his eyes as he roll over to his side too,facing Minho.

"Lee Minho what's not clicking,He took jisung to his dorm and there took his first time away like tHat. Why he did it??he has feelings for Jisung."

Then it clicked.

Minho eyed slightly widen in realization in what hyunjin was saying.

"hyung..he's probably gonna still be after him,you gotta tell him who's jisung's ma-..hey whY are yoU so calm for!" hyunjin exclaimed finally noticing how the older was trying to take a nap.

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