Missing you

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Minho didn't came back to their shared dorm the next day or the day after that.... And the day after that too..

It was Wednesday and still no words or return from the older. This was the 4th time Jisung woked up alone..he would always looked to the other side of the room in hopes in finding Minho sleeping on his bed.

But he wasn't there..

Where could Minho had gone to? Why didn't he left more information where he was going or staying at?could he had least have left his phone number just in case. Didn't he know how much he was hurting Jisung by disappearing like that? One day they were all over each other but then the next day Jisung woke up to him not being around. Why did he left like that?Was it something Jisung did? Did he not like the fact that Jisung kissed him? Was it because he called him by his name but not by lee know?

' Why isn't he here..? '

Jisung couldn't help but break into small crying, he missed him so much. He wanted Minho to come back and be in his arms again. he  yearns for the other's touch and kisses, he yearns to see the other smile and hearing that laugh that's so rare to hear it coming from him. God he was also missing how the older would tease him,he misses him being around. He hated being alone...it was suffocating him. Jisung would always find himself laying down on Minho's bed instead of his own,he'll wrap himself in his blankets. Jisung felt ashamed of himself for doing this since it made him feel like a creep.

But..this is how close he'll get to Minho.

"....I miss you... You're killing me..hyung.. You made me like this..." he tear up once again.

Seungmin and Felix were ready to murder someone and that someone was no other than lee know. Their squirrel friend had been in a depressed state since Monday. It was all because of  sir lee know,whatever he did he got the squirrel wrapped around his finger.
Seungmin and felix couldn't stand seeing Jisung in such a low state. They wanted to surprise the squirrel with his favorite cheesecake and have a movie Marathon to cheer him up!but before they could even knock on the door,they heard sniffles and crying coming from inside the room. They glance at each other.

"...we need to find lee know and quick"

And with that they both ran off  to hunt for lee know.

A boy step out of his hiding place,before you assume stuff.

No he wasn't spying on them and he didn't mean to eavesdropped.

He was making his way to the elevator since he got of at the wrong floor. This is what he gets for not paying attention and of course being sleep deprived.  

His eyes looked over where the other two were standing before.

' did something happened between the two?  '

Chan thought to himself as he stare at the door across from him.


"we haven't receive any absence or any sort of notice that Mr. Lee know has left the school campus"

"wait- so that means he's IN the building? "

The lady at the desk nodded."I supposed he is,I don't think this man would leave without leaving a notice.so I assume he's still on  the school campus"

Felix and Seungmin looked at each other and grinned. Relief that lee know was here which made things easier for them to look for him.

"thanks ma'am.. We appreciate your help" Seungmin said politely as he bow down. The lady just smiled at seungmin's manners. "it was a pleasure helping you"
And with that they left the front desk.

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