⚠️ affair ⚠️

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  [⚠️ this chapter contains smut,if you're uncomfortable about this.please don't read!!⚠️]

Chan gently  place Jisung on his bed,howering above him. The younger one was already reaching out to  grabbed his face to bring him down to another sweet, passionate kiss. Soon that innocent sweet kiss became heated once Chan bit his bottom lip for permission. Jisung open his mouth without hesitation to let the older explore his mouth. He had his hands,running through bang Chan's hair as he let out small whimpers through the kiss. Chan then pulled away to breath, he looked down at the one was beneath him. Jisung's eyes were half lidded, his face was flushed and hint of lust were in those once innocent eyes. Seeing the younger's lips swollen from all that kissing excited him. Jisung reach out to gently cupped Chan's face into his hands"..I w-want more..hyung.. G-give me more.."

'..This is wrong '

Chan slowly lift up the younger's shirt up,removing it from his body. He lean down to place small kisses,starting from his neck down his chest. Chan's hand's made to the younger's thighs,gripping them slightly which made Jisung gasp.

"sorry.. Did I hurt you?"

"n-no..Im fine hyung .."

Jisung let out small moans as he felt the older kiss his chest all over and even more when he started trailing kisses down to the waistline of his pants. He slightly arch his back, getting impatient. "s-stop teasing me.."he whined which made Chan slightly chuckled. He slowly undid the younger's pants,just to tease him more before pulling the pants off his body. Jisung let out a small moan when he felt the older's hand on the waistline of his boxers.he wanted to be touched so badly..So desperate to be touched.

"c-chan..touch me..please.. " he whimper as he felt the older's hand pull away.

"Jisung.. I don't think we should go this far-" chan had pulled himself away from jisung standing in front of him. "..look..you're probably not thinking right.. Lets just stop and let me take you back to your dor-" Chan's breath hitch once he felt jisung's hand on his pants zipper."j-jisung.. No stop." chan said sternly as he took his wrist. "chan hyung.. Please.. Touch me..please.. " Jisung pleaded as he pressed his body against the other's. This was driving chan crazy, he had to stay strong. He couldn't touch the younger.. No he couldn't.. Jisung just wasn't in the right state of mind, especially after drinking that apple cider.

Jisung decided to take matter's to his owns hands and removed the last piece of clothing he had on.Chan looked away from the (beautiful) sight of the full naked boy. "c-chan..please.. Look at me.." Jisung whimper as he tugged at the older's shirt. His body felt like it was on flames,new sensations were building up inside his body..he just wanted to be touched so badly.

Chan being strong challenge: failed

"chan hyu-"

Jisung gasped when he felt himself getting pushed to lay down on the bed once again.his leg's being spread open which made him moan in pleasure. Chan took a hold of his leg,sliding it down to grasped his thigh,he lean towards it.He glance up to see jisung's flushed face."..h-hyung.."

He place wet kisses against his inner thigh, gently biting and sucking on the skin,he could hear jisung's sweet moans.he then took hold of both of his legs and lifted them up which made Jisung gasp. Chan pressed his thumb against the younger's entrance which made Jisung slightly arch his back and let out a shaky moan.

Chan then slowly insert a finger.

"a-ah..hyung .." he moan out,already wanting more. Chan then added another finger,soon enough he was thrusting those two fingers in and out of the younger.his moans growing louder each time. Jisung started feeling weird, he felt like something was building up inside of him but before anything could happened Chan pulled his fingers away.

"that should do It.." Jisung heard him whispered before he started to unbuckled his pants to take them off.He then removed his shirt and tossed to side before getting between the younger's legs. Chan lean down to recapture jisung's lips with his own.Jisung wrapped his arms around his neck as they kiss,then chan pulled away.

"Jisung.. You Can tell me to stop right now before it's too late.."

"...don't stop..hyung.."

"...it'll hurt just.. For a bit..okay?"

Jisung slightly smiled as he nodded. With that chan removed his boxers, position himself against the younger's entrance as Jisung place his hands on the older's shoulders.

"don't be afraid to tell me to stop Jisung.. It's okay"

' this is wrong.. So wrong..'

Jisung closed his eyes tightly, gripping the older's shoulders as he felt chan slowly going in.He felt himself tearing up.. It was painful.. So painful.

"h-hyung.. It hurts.. "he whimpered out.

"i-its okay ji..I'll pass.. " chan groan feeling how tight the younger was,he was now fully inside the younger.

"..hyung you can move now.." Jisung spoke up after a couple minutes,taking time to adjust to Chan's size.
Chan then started moving,slowly and gently thrusting into Jisung since he didnt wanted to hurt the younger. Jisung let out small moans as he arch his back, his hands going down the older's back. Chan then slightly begin to pick up his pace,groaning in pleasure as he felt the younger's wall tighten around him.

"h-hyung.. A-ah..c-chan..!"

Jisung moan out his name as he threw his head back, slightly scratching the older's back.

"j-jisung.. Im getting close..."

The bed creek beneath them,their moans echo throughout the room.


Jisung gasped when he felt something warm release into him and he then soon released whatever was building up inside of him.

Chan pulled the sheets over the sleeping Jisung, he slightly smiled as he lean in to kiss the younger's forehead. He then pulled away and walked to his closet to get a towel and head towards the bathroom.
Once Jisung knew Chan wasn't around, he opened his eyes.

Regret. He felt so much regret..he gave out his first time just like that..it was so wrong.. He felt dirty...Why did he do it..?

'..I just wanted to feel loved..'


Um,if you got a notification that I updated.you're not going crazy because I did but I'm a coward and unpublished it. But im republishing it because heck, this came out decent! Please don't hate me I swear minsung will happen!!!,just how my friend says. This would thicken the plot!
Talking about her,its her birthday so this is her second birthday gift from me! Actually all the recent chapters are thanks to her for inspiring me with her ideas. So happy birthday child!! Enjoy;)
Well that's that. See y'all next time!

Also,stay in school y'all
Dont be like. Me who's missing hella days

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