The Interview

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2 Weeks later

This day has come along extremely quickly I can't believe today is the day.Since starting on YouTube a couple of years ago, my life has been awesome. Due to that I was asked by several magazines to do interviews for them, using my power over a part of the online world. Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Britain's favourite boy band, One Direction. I've always loved their music,I was a hardcore fan like some of my subscribers. I was waiting at the venue for almost a hour, when the boys finally showed up. Feeling a little upset I greeted the boys, worried they were unpunctual people. "Hello guys, I'm Chloé. Nice to meet you." I hugged all of them and smiled,even though I was still a little mad. "It's a pleasure meeting you." Liam answered. All of them smiled at me, especially Niall who seemed to be in a good mood. "I'm very sorry were late, but the glutton over there needed some food, then fans did recognize us." Louis explained, grinning over to his Irish fellow.

"It's fine. I was just worried you might ditch our little interview. But to make it funny I planned something different than the usual. Ever heard about the YouTuber Awards? No? No deal. We are going to do a variant of it. I'm going to ask you guys 10 questions and all of you have to answer it. Is that okay with you?" I asked them. They all nodded in agreement.

"Who do you think is the one of you, most likely to end up in prison?" -

After half an hour I was finished. I enjoyed the time with the boys and felt like everyone had a good time. During the whole interview Niall was unusually talkative. While taking the photo for my instagram, he was putting his arm around me, making me feel extremely nervous. I felt calmer when they left and was happy to be able to go home seeing as I was very tired.

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