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Chloé's POV

1 week later

"Grab that shirt for me?" Niall asked. Wordlessly, I picked up my favorite red polo and walked it over to him. He took the shirt and placed it neatly with the rest of his clothes. Then he zipped the suitcase, put it on the floor, and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling me with him. "Talk to me," he encouraged me gently. "There isn't much to say, Niall," I said, looking down at our intertwined hands. Niall reached his hand up to my face and turned it slightly to meet my eyes. "You're telling me that you don't have much to say to me for the next two months?" I pulled his hand away from my cheek and held it in mine. I closed my eyes and sighed. How do I tell him everything I'll say to him over the course of two months in just a few sentences? More than that, how do I tell him that I don't want him to go? "I don't know what to tell you, Niall." I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked so honest, so vulnerable. He deserved to know. "I'm scared, Niall," I whispered. Not what was on my mind, but it was true. He seemed confused by my answer. "What are you scared of?" His thumb traced circles on my cheek. It was soothing, but also painful, because I knew I wouldn't be able to feel his touch much longer. I swallowed and leaned into him, taking his hand away from my face and into my own. "I feel like I'm going to lose you," I admitted. "You'll be gone for two months, Niall. That's more than enough time for you to forget me. Plus, you'll be seeing thousands of girls all the time, everywhere you go. There will be so many of them who'll be much more prettier than me. And I know you'll compare me to them, and you'll find someone better. I don't think I'll be okay with that." Niall wrapped his arms around me and fell back on the bed, with me on top of him. "Is that really bothering you?" he asked quietly. I nodded against his chest. His hands came up to cup my face and I found myself staring into his eyes, so dark at the moment that they almost seemed like a sapphire. "Do you realize how ridiculous I find this?" I didn't answer because I knew he wasn't looking for a real answer. "In fact, if it weren't so ridiculous, I would be laughing my ass off right now." For no reason at all, I blushed. Niall slowly rolled over, so that he was hovering over me. "I'm going to miss this." He leaned down and his lips moved against mine. My heart stuttered, failing to maintain a steady rhythm. He pressed his hand against my chest, and I knew he could feel my heart going crazy, because a tender smile formed on his lips. "I'm not sure if I can go without this for so long." Before I knew it, my arms were around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My fingers twisted in his hair and his lips touched mine. My skin lit on fire and I forgot what we were talking about. I didn't care about anything but the feel of his lips on mine and our bodies pressed together. I felt him smile against my mouth as I took his bottom lip between my teeth and gently bit down on it. He pulled away and I felt his lips against my eyelids the soft touch sent shivers down my back. "You really believe that I'll forget you that easily?" I heard him ask. I opened my eyes and found him staring at me, his gaze, so adoring. "No, but you might. There'll be plenty of girls to distract you and I won't be around." "You," he chuckled softly. "You are so silly, but I guess that adds to your charm. Chloé, I'm going on a tour, and I don't know what you think that's like, but I won't have enough time to be free with girls. And even if I did, you'd still be the only one on my mind." He kissed my forehead, right between the eyebrows. "No one can take you away from me. I won't allow it." "I don't want you to go," I said in a voice so small that I wasn't sure if he even heard me. "Wanna know a secret?" he whispered in my ear. "I kinda wish I didn't have to go. I'm gonna miss you like hell, babe. It'll be torture." "I thought you couldn't wait for the tour to start?" "Yeah, because I love going out and performing for the fans. But I won't see you everyday now. That's why I don't want to go." Niall's phone beeped with a reminder and he sat up, taking his phone out in the process. "I have to leave in a hour," he told me. I sighed. "Only an hour left." "Let's make the best use of it." His voice was thick with implications. I laughed. "We're not spending our last hour like that, Niall."

"Fine," he pouted and fell back next to me. He sneaked one arm under my head and draped the other around me. I curled up into him, my face pressed against his chest. "Go to sleep, babe. I'll wake you up when it's time to go." I smiled and placed a kiss on his heart.

It was chaotic at the airport. Screaming fangirls were literally everywhere, shouting out the boys' names. They signed as many autographs as they could before they were pulled away by the security. There were only a few minutes left before the boys had to board the plane and Niall pulled me into his arms. We stood like that, rocking back and forth in each other's embrace, for God knows how long. I didn't care, not about the fans screaming or about the cameras flashing.

"I miss you already," I whispered into his neck. He rubbed my back soothingly. "You'll see me soon." A light kiss on my head. Their flight was announced on the speakers and Niall's lips were on mine. A few tears slipped from my closed eyes, but I couldn't wipe them away. "Time to go, Niall." It was Paul's voice. Neither Niall, nor I paid any attention to him. Niall pulled back and wiped my face with his thumbs. "Please don't cry," he begged. "I promise I'll see you really, really soon." He smiled. "I love you. Take care of my heart because it's already with you," he said quietly so only I could hear. More tears. "Chloé, please." He leaned his forehead against mine. I grimaced. "I love you, Niall." He kissed my tears away before pressing his lips to mine once more. Paul cleared his throat. I blushed. Niall simply gazed at me. "He'll walk you back to your car. Take care of yourself, babe." He glanced away. "Paul?" "I'll take it from here. You go follow the boys and Preston." Niall kissed the top of my head. "Bye, Chloé." He touched my heart once. "I'm right here."

"Bye, Niall," I whispered. And with that, he turned around and joined the other boys and Preston. Paul led me through the myriad of fans and towards my car. "You'll take care of him, won't you?" I asked Paul. He smiled at me. "Of course we will. Don't stress yourself, sweetheart. He'll be fine." "Thank you, Paul." "It's not a problem. Now go on home and relax. I've got a flight to catch." I said goodbye to Paul and drove back to our flat. I went to the bedroom and took out Niall's favorite jumper that I had hid from him, and even though it was fairly warm, I put it on. It smelled just like him. I jumped into bed fully clothed and buried my face in his pillow. I fell asleep inhaling his scent.

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