First Time

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It had been 61 days since Niall had been home; 61 long days without him being at home with me. Of course, I visited him. But it wasn't the same, when I visit him on tour he's distracted. Not that I'm complaining. I loved spending time with him. But there was a huge difference between times spent in our home, than time spent on a smelly tour bus with 5 other boys.

I couldn't meet him at the airport; it wasn't safe. During their tour they had become increasingly more popular than when they left, I didn't even think that was possible. I had initially planned on going to the airport to meet him, but he called right before his flight telling me just to wait at home. I knew it was for the best, but that didn't make it any easier. I sat anxiously in a kitchen chair at the table, my knees up to my chest, my chin resting on my knees. He texted me when he landed, and I waited for the text letting me know when he was close. I waited impatiently; playing with my hair, biting my lip, putting on more makeup then wiping it off and putting it on again. Then I finally heard the small beep from my phone,

"Be there soon, maybe 5 minutes? Probably less, I can't wait to see you :)" I closed my eyes and smiled as wide as I had in days, and then set the phone down. I walked into the bathroom and sprayed a little perfume on me, brushed my teeth quickly, brushed my hair and flattened out my clothes. After all this time, I still got butterflies when I was about to see him. I walked out back into the living room, and waited patiently. I heard the knock on the door, and then the key jostling and then he walked in.

"Ni!" I ran up to him, and he dropped his bags and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my face hidden in the warm crook of his neck.

"Oh my God, I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you, you look so beautiful." he said, I smiled and kissed him, keeping it there for a few seconds before unlocking my legs and sliding down his body. I opened my eyes, and let out a small laugh. He opened his eyes and his eyes met mine; his eyebrows knitting.

"Hi," I smiled sweetly.

"Were you watching me kiss you?"

I laughed and moved my hands up to his face, "I just wanted to see you okay? I don't want to miss a moment to look at you, I've missed you so much you don't even know." I wrapped my arms around his neck again.

"I missed you too, so much. Those flights were a killer, all I wanted to do was to come home, eat, and see you. But not in that order, you were at the top of the list, I swear." He kissed me again, "My god, I've missed the taste of your lips," He said between kisses.

"Here, come all the way in the house. Let's get you unpacked, and back to normalcy."

"Don't kill me," He started and I turned around, concerned.

"Why would I kill you..." I said, walking towards him.

"I invited the lads over for dinner tonight, Harry offered to cook!"

I raised my eyebrows, "You just spent 61 days straight with them, you're kidding me. That's fine though, you know I love them." I said giggling because of how much Im still a fangirl. He came up and kissed me quickly, "Awesome, because they're heading over in the next couple of minutes. They were stopping by Tesco really quickly."

"Hey, at least I get like a solid 15 minutes alone," I joked. He came up to me, wrapping his arms around my torso and kissed my neck. "Let's try to unpack a little."

We wheeled the luggage into the bedroom, and I grabbed some washing baskets

"Did you wash your clothes once while you were there?"

"Yeah, I'm not that disgusting." We sorted through all the clothing, until we heard the knocks at the door. I walked up to the door and opened it, greeted by the four familiar boys carrying bags of food. They stormed into the flat and threw the food on the counter before attacking me with hugs. Liam was first, "Hi, love."

Then Louis, "Nice to see you again."

Then Zayn, "Hi, you alright?"

Finally, Harry, "Sorry we're stealing your boyfriend...again. At least I'm cooking dinner!"

I hit him softly, "At least you're all cleaning the kitchen too." Louis then lifted out a pack of paper plates and plastic silverware. "Niall told us you'd threaten us with that." I laughed, typical Niall. Harry cooked us a quick meal of spaghetti, and made garlic bread, and some salad. Naturally, it was delicious, and naturally when the meal was over and we cleaned, I kicked them out.

"Alright, alright, we'll leave. Looks like Niall's getting it in, tonight!"

"Watch yourself, Styles." I shot back at him. We hugged them goodbye quickly, and then we were finally alone again. I walked over to Niall, slowly and sultry. "What now, Mr. Horan?" He kissed my forehead, "Well, I feel kind of gross after traveling."

"So basically you should shower."

"But Im then having you" he said seductively. I knew tonight would be our first night but im ready now. "Yep you get me like you've wanted to because im ready" I whispered in his ear making him shiver and then going to shower.

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