The Wedding

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Niall's POV

I held my breath as she walked down the aisle, looking like an absolute angel. The white folds of her dress fell in waves towards the floor, scattered with flower petals. She held a bouquet of white lilies and her face was lit up with a brilliant smile. I’m sure my grin matched hers as I watched the girl of my dreams walk – one careful step at a time – closer to me.  When she was finally beside me, I clasped her hand tightly in my own and we faced the minister who began the ceremony. We couldn’t stop sneaking peeks at each other the entire time.

“Do you, Niall James Horan, take thee, Chloé Louise Turner, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?” the minister asked.

“I do,” I replied, looking straight into her captivating sparkly blue eyes before slipping the wedding band onto her finger.

“And do you, Chloé Louise Turner, take thee, Niall James Horan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?” the minister continued.

“I do,” she replied emotionally, her fingers trembling slightly as she pushed the wedding band down my finger. We both smiled at each other, lost in the other’s gaze as we finally said our vows after two years of being together.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the minister announced happily.

I wasted no time in taking Chloé into my arms, holding her like she was the most precious thing in the world, as my lips descended on hers. Her lips moved just as eagerly against mine as cheers filled the room around us. We reluctantly pulled away and began walking back down the aisle, hand in hand for the first time as a married couple. I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face, so proud to be called this beautiful woman’s husband.

Family and friends soon surrounded us with warm wishes of congratulations and showers of confetti. I refused to let go of Chloé’s hand as we were bombarded from all angles. We took endless pictures with family members in a nearby park before a beautiful vintage wedding car whisked us off to the reception. I helped Chloé into the car, careful of her dress skirt as I shut the door and raced around to the other side to join her. I slid as close to her as possible, wrapping my arm around her waist and kissing her softly on the lips.

“I love you…wifey,” I said with a smirk.

She replied with that contagious laugh of hers before saying, “I love you too, hubby.”

Chloé's POV

“I love you too, hubby,” I replied happily, almost disbelieving that the word was finally true. Husband. How long I had waited to call Niall Horan my husband. We’d been engaged a few months, and now was the perfect time for us to settle down. We both wanted a family and I couldn’t wait to share the rest of my life with him.

We pulled up at the reception and shared one last passionate kiss in the car before we walked into the building. I squeeze Niall’s hand and smile up at him as the limo door pulls open.

"Are you ready, Mrs. Horan?

My face beams bright red as you sweetly kiss your husband, answering his question. He leads me into the ballroom where our wedding reception is taking place. All of our family and friends stand on their feet and applaud to greet the newly weds. Me and Niall smile and wave to all of them. Soaking up the moment. We manoeuvre throughout the crowds and say hello to all of your guests and you are in complete bliss when they congratulate you on your marriage    As we entered the beautiful double doors to the reception, all of our family and friends were clapping and cheering. It was amazing to see all of their smiling faces, celebrating the happiest day of our lives with us. There were plenty of hugs to go around between courses and lots of dancing. Before I knew it, the night was nearing the end as we cut the cake and got ready for our speeches. I went first, knowing that I would be a crying mess by the time Niall was done with his speech.

“Niall, I don’t even know where to begin,” I said, taking a deep breath to keep from becoming too emotional. “ a year ago I got these tattoos as an inspiration in my life – Stay Strong.” I faced my wrists out to show the cursive words. “But I never knew what they truly meant until you came into my life. You have been my rock, my best friend, my inspiration – my everything – in the last two years. I’ve certainly had some ups and downs, but you are always there for me, with a comforting word, a healing touch or a loving kiss. We’ve had the most amazing memories in our relationship. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you and can’t wait to share the rest of my life with you and create a million more memories to cherish forever. I love you more and more every day, baby. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”

I wrapped my arms around him as he slowly rubbed my back, a few stray tears escaping from my eyes. He gently wiped them away before taking the microphone.

“Chloé, my beautiful girl, I just need to disagree with one thing you said,” Niall began, smiling at me sweetly.

I frowned in thought, wondering where he was going with this.

“I am clearly the lucky one to have you in my life.” A beautiful grin swept across his face as a few aww’s came from our audience of family and friends. “I remember, all those years ago, you were on YouTube on about how you love me and he boys it was adorable and I had the biggest crush on you when I found you—” there were a few chuckles from the audience at this “—you were gorgeous, you were fearless and you were strong. Today, sitting before me as my wife, you are all those things and so much more. You’re my partner in crime and the love of my life. I’ll never stop loving you as long as I live and I can’t wait to create all those precious memories you’ve dreamed for us. I promise to make each and every one of your dreams come true, because you made all mine come true when you said ‘Yes’ to being my girlfriend exactly two years ago today. I love you, baby. Forever.”

The tears freely streamed down my face as he spoke to me with such feeling, with such love infused into each and every word. I hugged him tightly as he sat back down and couldn’t help but give him a watery kiss of thanks for his lovely words.

We ate some cake and once I’d dabbed at my face enough to keep from looking like a zombie, Niall took me out onto the dance floor for our last dance of the night. I was never happier than when I was in his arms and we swayed softly to the music, singing the lyrics quietly in each other’s ears. As the song began to wind down, we kissed enthusiastically before saying our goodbyes to everyone. Another car waited outside, with ‘Just Married’ scrawled elegantly across the back window. We slid into the car together, never letting go of our hands and driving away to begin our new life. Together forever.

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