Tears And A Secret Found Out

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Warning: This chapter contains self harm so if you want you can skip the chapter

A few days after

Chloé POV

I can't hold it in any longer. I tried my best from stop myself doing it seeing as I was getting better but that completley changed I couldn't handle it any more.I need it. With tears in my swollen eyes I scrolled through my twitter mentions shocked at all the hate I got. Because im dating Niall alot of 'fans' hate me and I don't even know why, the ones at the concert seemed to all like me. I look in the mirror, I was never happy with how I look but now I hated myself aswell. I see myself as fat and ugly. I needed it. I go to the bathroom and search for the razor blade. Tears streamed down my face as I cut myself again and again. Oh it hurts a lot but this pain is worse than the others. It makes me forget all the others. It makes me forget all the hate tweets and forget how I hate my appearance. I cut my arm again as I see the first drop of red leave my arm.My eyes hurt from all the crying. I wanna cut again when there's a knock on my door interrupting me. I sigh, wipe my tears away and look to see who it is. I pretend that im not home but being the clumsy person I am a cup falls off the table and smashes on the floor "Shit!" I whispered "C'mon Chloé, I know your in there be the lovely girl you are and open the door". I look into the mirror wiping one last tear away and opening the door.

Niall POV

Chloé had finally opened the door I wonder why she didn't straight away but I will let it slip its probably something that doesn't matter " Hey Chloé, what had happened you took a while to..." I looked down at her arm and saw cuts I had to use all my energy to stop myself from bursting into tears. "It's not what it looks like" she stuttered, with wide eyes I stare at her cuts and then into her eyes and back to the cuts "Why?" I asked my voice cracking and eyes filling with big tears " Why Chloé Why?" I shout while the tears stream freely on my face I couldn't hold them in any more my love has done this to herself " I-I-I deserve it okay, im fat, im ugly and everybody hates me for no reason" Her voice cracked even more with every single word coming out of her dry looking mouth. "...Chloé tell me how I can help you. Please, you need help. You are beautiful, you have a great looking body, you are nice and everybody who knows you recognizes you have an amazing personallity. Don't listen to what them stupid people say/write beleive me there are many people who love you" I am really desperate right now but im sure she understands my reaction. " Tell me one" she demanded " Me! I have loved you since I first saw your videos on instagram and vine. You mean everything to me and I don't want my princess to hurt herself because she most definatley doesn't deserve that. Promise me! Promise me Chloé you will never harm yourself ever again" I yelled at her "I promise you" she said.

Chloé POV

He grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs with him. I hesitantly hand him the razor blade and he throws it out of the window. "Now you can never do this shit again. Never forget princess. I'm in love with you." he smiles sadly and hugs me tightly. He lays his chin on my head and starts singing to me "...You never love yourself half as much as I love you. You never treat yourself right darlin but I want you to. If I let you know im here for you, maybe you will love yourself like I love you...oh" I can't help but smile. He quickly pulls away but only to put his perfect warm lips onto mine. I will never get used to this feeling of his lips fitting perfectly with mine as if we are made for each other " I love you to Nialler, thank you for being with me" I whisper against his mouth as he interrupts me again with a deep kiss. This is all I want, this is all I need, this is all I felt. With his help I can stop cutting myself. With him, I can manage whatever I want.

He is my rescuer, he is my hope, he is my hero, he is my love, he is Niall Horan and he won't let me go. " Thank you for being mine" I whispered once again against his mouth while he kissed me again. He makes me believe things will get perfect again soon, I just have to wait.

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