Help me...

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Jesse took my hand and led me out of the dance floor through a ton of people and to the back of the room near a corner. I wondered what he was doing, why would he want to come back here? He turned to me then did something I wasn't expecting. He grabbed my hips flipping me around and pinning my back to the wall. I gasped in surprise, I didn't like the way his hands were on my hips I felt extremely uncomfortable. He smirked at me his lips curling into a crooked grin, I knew by the look in his eyes he was up to no good. I then suddenly felt intimidated and scared by him. " What are you doing?" I say trying to push his hands off. He keeps a strong hold on me even though he knows I want him to let me go. His eyes seemed darker all the sudden changing to a frightening darker green. " You'll see" he says with his deep voice not answering my question. He leaned forward closer to me, his face only inches away. Then I realized he was going to kiss me, I couldn't let him do that I am dating Niall! I turned my face to the side rejecting the kiss. He gripped me harder now his right hand on my forearm gripping it painfully, the amount of pressure he was applying hurt very badly making me want to cry, I knew there would be bruises later. He laughed dryly " Don't be like that babe" he says lowering his voice. He reached up and turned my head to look at him forcefully, I was very scared now, not knowing what he might do. He began to lean in which made me press my head as far back on the wall as possible. I did the last thing I could think of " NIALL HELP ME!" I screamed hoping he would hear me and come to my rescue. He was so far away though there was little hope he would. All I wanted was to be away from this guy's painful grip and back with Niall. Jesse ignored my scream for help and leaned forward anyway. He forced his lips on mine kissing me hardly, his lips weren't sweet and slow like Niall's they were harsh and rough. The way he was kissing me hurt, I didn't kiss back only wanting him off of me. I tried to push him off but he was much stronger than me.

In the next second our lips were disconnected, Jesse abruptly was thrown off of me releasing his rough grip. I looked down at the ground seeing Jesse lying there. I didn't even know what had happened two seconds before he was kissing me. I looked up to see my blond headed lover standing there staring down at Jesse with a burning anger in his eyes. He looked up to me and his eyes immediately softened, he lunged forward wrapping me up in a huge Horan hug. He held me tight, his face buried in my neck, never had I been happier to see Niall, he must have heard me scream for him.

He pulled back from the hug looking into my eyes then quickly running a finger softly down my cheek. He tore his vision away from me glaring down at the man who had kissed me with pure hatred, his hands balled up as fists. Niall walked away from me and to where Jesse was now standing up. He got right in his face " Don't. Ever. Touch. Her. again" he said with anger and fury behind each word through gritted teeth. I had never seen Niall so mad, he was always happy and cheerful towards everyone. Jesse just smirked " And why should I do that" he says not fazed by what Niall had said at all. I could see the annoyance and anger radiating off Niall's body. He took a breath trying to stay calm " Because that's my girlfriend! Don't you ever touch her again!" he shouts with a warning tone letting the man know he was serious. It felt good to hear Niall say that and be protective over me, It showed he really cared for me. Jesse's eyes widened and he took a step back " Fine man, I didn't know she was yours" he says. That still gave him no right to try and kiss me or be that rough with me! I thought but kept it in my mind. With that Jesse turned and left seeing how angry and protective Niall was. Niall's jaw was still clenched until Jesse turned and left. Niall turned back to me after that, clearly still very angry but he calmed down and held a more comforting and gentle look.

He walked back over to where I was still against the wall. " Are you okay princess?" Niall asks in a worried tone, I was fine just a little shaken up, I nod my head not confident in my speech coming out right. He doesn't really look convinced, he reaches up and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. " Did he hurt you? What happened angel? god, I'm so sorry Chloé " he says in a rush concern in every speck of his eyes. " Niall I'm fine and well earlier you were just talking to the guys and I just felt left out cause none of you noticed me. I told you I went to get a drink but you didn't listen to me so I just went. After I got one I was leaning against a wall across the room by myself and Jesse that guy came up to me. He asked me if I wanted to dance and he seemed perfectly nice so I agreed. Everything was fine for awhile until he brought me back here and pushed me against the wall and started kissing me forcefully" I explain to him. He looks guilty and sad, he pulls me in for a hug then whispered in my ear " I'm so sorry, this is all my fault" he says. " It's okay Ni, I forgive you" I say. He pulls back eyes shining in the little light " Your amazing" he says sweetly. With that we left the party and made our way home.

" Chloé did he hurt you or anything" he says when we arrived still worried. The truth was he did hurt me, my arm was throbbing where he had roughly grabbed me. My hip felt bruised as well but I knew if I told Niall he would freak out. " I'm fine" I say to him shocked at how easily I lied. He still doesn't look like he believes me but I guess he shakes it off. He reaches forward staring in my eyes lovingly and lightly grabs my arm right where Jesse had. The skin was still tender there a dark purple bruise forming, I winced in pain. Niall looked worried, immediately he looked down to see what had hurt me and noticed the large hand mark on my light coloured delicate skin. He gasps at it in shock, lifting my arm up as carefully as he can to observe the bruise. His fingers trace over it lightly seeing it was his handprint. " Oh, my gosh! he did this to you!" he exclaims not wanting to believe it. I sadly nodded my head.
Niall POV
Me, Jacob and the other lads were all talking about the derby football game last night and how they had won so easily. I suddenly heard a faint shout which sounded like it was coming from the back "Niall help me" is all I heard. WAIT that's Chloé 's voice! I immediately ran in the direction of the shout I heard. I went out the back exit and saw some guy with a hard grip on Chloé kissing her while she was trying to push him away and not kissing back. I don't know what overcome me either the jealousy of another guy kissing MY girl or the fact he was holding her in such a horrible way when she clearly didn't want it, I had stormed over grabbed hold of him and firmly chucked him to the ground. The jackass asking why he should stop doing what he was doing with that smirk on his face which I wanted to knock out.
When he had fucked off I saw Chloé still in her previous position with a shocked expression on her face. She told me how he had approached her because she was feeling left out. At that point I felt so guilty, if I had just involved her more and payed attention to her this wouldn't of happened. I apologized and she said how she forgave me, damm I love this girl so much. I checked he didn't hurt her and she said she was fine, I didn't beleive her for a second but I let it slide. I then lifted my hand up to where the guy, Jesse who's name I had been told now, had previously been holding her. As soon as I touched there she winced, I knew she was lying, I moved the sleeve of her dress up a little and what I saw was a horrible bruise. I put my hand above it and saw how it was the shape of a hand wrapped around her. Right now I want to find that Jesse and beat the shit out of him but I knew I had to just stay and take care of Chloé. I peppered small kisses over her bruise hoping it made her feel a bit better.

Chloé POV
He gently took my arm and sprinkled little kisses all over it trying to make it feel better. " I'm so sorry, that looks like it really hurts" he says. He drops my arm by my side again then looks in my eyes with a soft kind expression swimming in his blue ones. He caresses my cheek lightly before leaning forward and as gently and delicately as he can places his lips on mine, butterflies swirl in my stomach as his lips are so sweet and loving on my own. " I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again, I'll always protect you love" he says when we break apart. My heart warmed at his words, I knew Niall would do anything to protect me. I had completly forgiven him for ignoring me earlier that night, I knew he was sorry and didn't mean to. He had came to the rescue and been there for me when I had needed him most and that meant more than anything to me.

The whole night he was extremely sweet to me, he kept kissing my arm and apoligizing over and over. I told him everything was fine and he shouldn't worry but he was still apologizing.
That night I fell asleep feeling safe in my boyfriends arms. That night I had realized I truley loved Niall Horan <3

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