It Could Go One Way Or Another

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1 week later

While getting ready for the boys concert tonight I started thinking how things with Niall were now back to normal, I don't think they actually changed I just missed him and got slightly paranoid. All the boys in the band know me and Niall are dating now, it was quite funny how it happened.


Me and the band were all hanging out at a restaurant Niall and me kept giving each other sneaky looks and touches under the table, Louis and Liam were the only ones who knew that we were dating but they kept it a secret like we asked. After we had all caught up me and Niall told the others we were gonna get some air while they finished their drink.When we got outside Niall pushed me against the wall and started kissing me passionately " I've been wanting to do this all night" he said against my neck while kissing it "Jump" he said when kissing my lips again I did as he told and wrapped my legs round his waist and my arms round his neck while we carried on kissing and severely making out when we heard a gasp and Niall put me down to my feet again " Omg! Niall what's going on here are you two together" yelled Harry while me and Niall exchange glances both of us bright red and slightly out of breath "Shit! he will surely leave me now. I knew it was to good to be true " I muttered while a silent tear rolled down my cheek "Yes we have been dating for a month, I was going to tell you eventually" Niall ten turned to me seeing I was crying " Why are you crying love?" he asked me while wiping my tears away " B-because y-you might l-leave me now and I j-just dont know w-what I would do without you" at this point I was properly crying I bet I looked a state "Chloé i'm not going to leave you? Why would I? Im in love with you Chloé Louise Turner and want you to be mine and only mine" after he said that he kissed me gently which stopped me crying I cant believe he actually loves me " I love you to Niall James Horan.Always have." Then Zayn interuppted "I knew there was something going on between you,I knew it." "You did?" I questioned "Its obvious by the way you look at each other with the heart eyes and plus I knew Niall liked you a while ago he wouldn't stop talking about ' Chloé the most beautiful youtuber' I quote what Niall once said there" and with that the boys were all accepting and kept teasing saying how cute we were and they even made up a cheesy ship name 'Chliall Turan'

Flashback over

Jump to during the concert

Five sweaty boys went running past me for their first outfit change of the night. I grinned up at Niall when he passed, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before they all disappeared back into a room with the stylist. I sighed leaning against the wall letting my ombre hair float over my shoulders and face. My blue gaze switched over to outside and over the stage, then to a huge crowd that had come out tonight, All screaming, ninety percent of them holding posters either some nice things or some were saying some perverted things but who blames them. The room to the side burst open revealing Liam in his second of the night followed by Louis,Harry,Zayn and then finally Niall. I gave him a bright smile, blowing him a kiss and a thumbs up as he passed by me. Suddenly though he stopped in front of me, a cheeky grin forming on his face." Niall??" I said in confusion tilting my head and staring past him to out on the stage " Why aren't you going out on stage with the other boys?" "Oh, I am going out on stage" Niall smirked taking a step towards me holding out his arms " but you're coming with me". My eyes widened into huge ovals and I shook my head taking a step back away from his open arms "No i'm not". "Am I going to have to force you?" he said mischievously, taking one huge step so he was directly in front of me, his blue eyes dancing and sparkling. If my eyes could get wider, they did, before they narrowed into slits and I said through clenched teeth " You wouldn't" "Oh but babe" Niall grinned "I would". Suddenly I was taken up into the air, being held tight in Niall's arms bridal style as he began marching out onto the stage. A gasp escsped through my lips and I buried my face into Niall's polo, trying to hide it the best I could. " I hate you" I mumbled into his shirt. Shaking his head and chuckling he pulled me off him and stuck me down to the ground before pulling his microphoneto his lips. "Hey guys! Give it up for my lovely girlfriend Chloé" A chorus of aww's mixed up with cheers erupted the crowd, allowing a sheepish smile to creep onto my face as I turned from Niall, before attempting to walk back to my normal position backstage. "Oh no you don't" Niall caught my wrist, pulling me back to him and wrapping an arm around my waist to hold me in place "Alright" Louis snickered from the other side of the stage."Now that the lovebirds are done, we can get on with the concert". I stuck my tongue out at him and he returned it, before the tune fot little things began playing loudly behind us.

Niall let go of my waist now so he could move freely around the stage, and instead took my hand intertwining our fingers as he pulled me all around throughout the entire thing. I giggled following him willingly,now comfortable being watched by 30 thousand people or however many people were here.

As the song neared the end Niall pulled me to center of the stage, turning me around so I was facing him. He stuffed his microphone into one if his pockets, befire wrapping both his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. "What are you doing?" I questioned for the second time in a couple of minutes, tilting my head to look at him. "This" and then his lips gently touched to mine. When he pulled back he attached our foreheads, smiling at me. " I love you" he murmured loud enough so I could hear him over the new round of aww's coming from the crowd. "I love you to" The concert went on into the night and when it finished and we got home that's when the consequences of our relationship came along.

Cliffhanger :) I hope you are enjoying the story so far will update it soon byeee

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