First Fight

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Niall is most definitely not like this but I needed to think of an argument, I literally hated writing this chapter.

Chloé's POV

I was just in the bedroom with Niall, recalling the previous happenings in the party that was held back in Zayn's place a few hours ago. "Zayn was hilarious! He was so drunk!" Niall said, chuckling before taking a sip from his can of beer. "Yeah! And remember Harry's hat! It was so fu-" "Harry?" He cut me off.

"Yeah. Harry. He was wearing a funny hat ear-" "Him you remember again? Why is it always Harry?!" He said, rather furious.

"Niall, are you jealous of Harry?" I asked, calmly. "Shut up" He said and stood up from the bed. "It's always Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry! Is he your boyfriend? No. Am I? Yes. But why do you act as if he IS your boyfriend and NOT me?!" He spat. I was so surprised to hear those words slipping out of Niall's mouth. I never thought he'd say those things to me.

"Ni! Harry's my best friend!!! How can I act as if he was my boyfriend if he's just like a brother to me?!!" I said, defending myself.

He took me by the wrist firmly, causing me to let out a small whine. "Niall. Stop. It hurts" I managed to say but he didn't give in. He took me out of the bedroom and shoved me to the floor, making me fall onto my bum painfully. I attempted to get up, but Niall kicked me hard on my legs. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as Niall took my wrist firmly once more and taking me down the stairs as I begged him to let me go.

He pushed me down onto the couch as he slapped me across the face. "Ni" I cried as tears rolled down my cheeks nonstop. "Shut up, Chloé! Too bad your Harry ain't here, eh?" He said with an evil laugh coming after it. I shot him a glare and he slapped me in return. I touched my cheek, feeling the ghost of his hand still hitting me.

I looked at him with tears streaming down my face but he didn't care. He walked to the kitchen and I took that an opportunity to call for help. I reached for my phone by the side table and I dialed Harry's number.

"Hello?" He answered. "HARRY! Pick me up. Please. No further questions. Please just come ove-" I was cut off by Niall taking my phone in his hand with anger in his eyes.

"Phoning your Harry, eh?" He asked while cocking one of his eyebrows. "N-n-no" I stuttered due to fear of what he might do to me. "LIAR!" He yelled before throwing my phone across the room. I looked at him in horror. "You are a liar. You are a cheater!" He said and took my wrist and hit me once more. I cried in return. He looked at me as if he did a job well done in hitting me. And I could agree he did. I had scars and bruises. He looked at me with his hands on his hips.

I took the chance to run away. I slammed the door shut as I did and luckily, Liam's car was already pulled up by our driveway. I hurriedly hopped in while bawling my eyes. "DRIVE!" I ordered Harry and so he did. As the car moved swiftly away from Niall and I's shared house, I looked at the side mirror only to see a more than furious Niall standing in the middle of our driveway with fire in his eyes. I looked at Harry and he gave me a worried face.

We arrived at his flat and all the boys were there, sitting on the couch, watching TV. They turned it off immediately as they saw me crying. Louis took me in his arms and embraced me real tight. Liam took me to the couch while Harry went to the kitchen to make me some tea. I was sat on the couch with the four boys surrounding me as I drank some tea.

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