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Chloe's POV

While Niall was sitting at home, I was running around getting things ready for the baby shower. It has been about a year and a half since me and Niall first got married, now we were ready to have our first child together, expecting it in 3 weeks or less.

The baby shower was tomorrow and usually this would be a mother, daughter, female friendly party but there was an exception made for Niall to be there. It was going to be tomorrow night, at the house me and Niall bought and re-did completely before the baby came. I came home a few hours later and started adding to all the decorations that were already up. Niall must’ve done the balloons because when I came into the dinning room and there were balloons filled that floated almost half way up to the high ceilings.

“Thank you for doing the balloons babe.”  I pecked his lips.

“What else did you get?” He asked.

I pulled out some blue coloured streamers, and some blue table clothes, along with a couple crystal glass bowls that would hold multiple different coloured blue M&M’s. Everything clashed perfectly with all the decorations already set up.

“I can’t wait to get him here Chloé” Niall smiled at me.

“I can’t either.” I smile, walking towards him and cupping his face in your hands and kissing him softly.

Niall returned the kiss softly before pulling away and asking, “Who do you think he’ll look like more?”

“I hope he looks like you.” I say with a smile.

“I hope he looks like you, with a little bit of me in him.” He rests his hands on my round belly. Niall looked at me with a smile after he felt the baby kick.

We had finished setting everything up, so all would run smoothly tomorrow. Around 9:30, I was already exhausted. Niall was sitting in the den watching TV and messing around on his laptop. I went upstairs into the bedroom and changed into some comfy pyjamas than climbed into bed on my side. I snuggled with the blankets while I fell asleep peacefully. In the middle of the night I was woken up by Niall trying to sneak into bed without waking me up, something he failed at every time.

“I’m sorry I woke you up.” He whispered loudly.

“Just go to sleep.” I groan, turning back over to your original position on my side and snuggling back up with a chunk of the blanket.

Throughout the night it was a tug of war battle between us for dominance of the blanket. Its something we have always done and I found it quite funny but because of the pregnancy i’ve been having hot flashes and would always wake up in the middle of the night soaking in my sweat. It annoyed me and I couldn’t wait for some things about this pregnancy to be gone. Once I woke up twice due to them, I let him take the blanket although I did sneak my feet underneath and fell asleep comfortably again.

In the morning, I was woken up by Niall with breakfast. All of the food looked amazing but something wasn’t right, I don’t know if it was the nerves about the baby shower or being pregnant, I felt the nerve to want to throw up. I tried to keep it down but eventually I ended up in the bathroom for 10 minutes before coming back out. Usually you don’t have too much morning sickness this late in the pregnancy, it usually would’ve been gone by now?

“Are you feeling okay?” Niall asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I sigh.

“Hurry up babe, the shower is at 3.” He smiled at me. I rolled your eyes and went into the bathroom. I showered and felt too lazy to get dressed right away, so I put my dressing gown on and walked around in it for a good hour before Niall was pushing me to get ready. I didn’t feel like it but I did anyway.

The two of us headed to the venue where the baby shower was being held, a lot of our family was already there. The women only though, of course. More and more of my friends started showing up, after talking to everyone, eating and having cake I started opening gifts. The baby got a bunch of new toys, new outfits that were all mostly neutral colours. Someone had said something to me about when they were pregnant; they wanted the excitement of not knowing what it was, so me and Niall decided we both didn’t want to know what it was. No one knew what it was, so when it came to the babies bedroom, we painted it a light color of brown and eventually after the baby is born. Niall will paint it or i’ll hire someone to paint it to an appropriate color to fit the baby. Most likely blue or pink.

2 days after the shower, I was laying in bed trying to sleep but I kept feeling extremely uncomfortable that is until my waters broke and things got worse. I shook Niall violently, things were happening fast and pain was becoming a real issue. Niall already had the hospital packed, it’s been packed for the past month in case anything happened. He grabbed the bag and helped me to the car to drive to the hospital.

It was a long painful night, but I had our baby a couple hours later at 6 in the morning. Thankfully I had the loving support of Niall with me the entire time and he tried his hardest to make this an easier experience for me. I knew in my mind after everything was over, I  married the sweetest person in the world, he was the best husband I could ask for. To add to that, I now have a lovely little baby with him.

Niall and Chloé ended up having a second child and their marriage was as strong as ever. The end.

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