Wake Me Up

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A month later

Chloe's POV

Me and Niall had tried our very hardest to forget about what happened 4 months ago and our relationship was as strong as it was before the fight.

"Babe, it's time to get up," I hover over my boyfriend and kiss him softly.

"Go away," he grumbles. I laugh and roll over to lay back on the bed, knowing that Niall won't wake up until he wants to. I let myself fall back asleep, smiling slightly at my adorable boyfriend.

"Love," I vaguely hear my favourite Irish accent murmur. I ignore him, hoping he'll let me keep sleeping. He chuckles and showers kisses all over my face.

"Hey, you woke me up first," he points out as I open my eyes a tiny bit to glare at him. I stick out my tongue at him and pull the covers up to my chin. "I'm tired," I whine. "You will never know just how beautiful you are to me," he starts to sing softly in my ear. "But maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up." "Actually, you're waking me up," I protest, throwing the covers back. "You woke me up first," he repeats, leaning down to kiss me. I sigh and push him over so I'm on top of him, straddling him.

"I should ink my skin with your name," he starts from the beginning of the song he was singing earlier. "And take my passport out again and just replace it." "Are you really going to indulge your crush on Ed Sheeran while your girlfriend is on top of you, Mr. Horan?"

"I could do without a tan, on my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle," Niall continues to sing. My eyebrows furrow as I think about the lyrics.

"Are you-?" I begin to ask him.

"And I should run you a hot bath, and fill it up with bubbles," Niall sings quickly, playfully throwing me off of him and jumping off our bed. "I really should, actually. C'mon, beautiful, let's take a bath." He offers his hand to me and I take it reluctantly, letting him pull me out of our comfortable bed. He leads me to the bathroom and picks me up, setting me down on the counter.

"Stay there," he says firmly as he walks to the bathtub and turns it on. He tests the water, and nods to himself when he feels it reach the right temperature. He fumbles around the bathroom, looking for the bottle of bubble bath liquid or whatever it's called. I giggle at the adorable look he gives me while he pours way too much of the liquid into the bottle.

"That's enough, Nialler," I laugh. "Definitely enough." He glances back at the water and hastily caps the bottle, blushing a little at his mistake. He puts down the bottle and walks over to me, gently removing my shirt. He kisses me sweetly as he slowly takes off the rest of my clothing, not really in a sexual way, but in a loving way. He helps me off the counter and into the tub before pulling off his boxers and climbing in behind me. He turns off the water and puts his arms around me. I lean against his chest and let him whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

"Were you serious before?" I ask him after a while, without turning around to look at him.

"About what, babe?"

"About marrying me."

"Yeah, I was," he replies shyly. "Pretty creative, eh, discreetly proposing through a song?"

"Niall," I murmur, turning in the water to face him. I pick up some of the bubbles that haven't evaporated yet, and rub them on his chin.

"I love you, Chloé," he laughs as he lets me turn him into Santa Claus.

"I love you too," I giggle.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course. A million times yes," I whisper back, kissing the bubbles off his chin before finally reaching his lips.

"I don't think those are edible," Niall replies against my lips.

"Shut up," I reply, and kiss him passionately.

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