Road Trip

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1 week later

"Ready to go?" Louis asks the six of us siting in the back of the fairly large drive about trailer.All of us screamed yes and Louis stomps on the pedal. Me,my best friend Brooke and the lads were going on a road trip. Niall is sitting beside me with his arm draped over my shoulders.Louis took a sharp turn making Niall stumble on top of me, with no seatbelts on we know things are going to get a little crazy." Sorry love" Niall says getting off of me and placing s kiss on my lips." I dont think she minds to much" Brooke jokes making me blush as everyone laughs."Watch where your going Lou" Zayn says clearly pissed off as he falls off his seat again. Niall stands up and takes my hand guiding me to the back of the trailer to his room and closes the door turning to me with a slight grin on his face. Before I can get away he picks me up and puts me on the bed, jumping on top of me tickling my sides. "Niall!Stop" I scream in between giggles, hearing a few dirty remarks from the people outside the door. I try to grab my boyfriend's wrists but he's to strong "Niall if you don't stop I will chuck all the food of this trailer making you starve and no kisses for two days" I say in between my laughter. At that he stops and lays down beside me, turning to face me. He pushes a strand of hair from my face tucking it behind my ear and then kissed my lips,passion filling the room. He crawls on top of me making sure to not tear our lips apart."Chlo.I.Love.You.So.Much" he says in between the kisses, I smile against his lips and say the same back to him.

"Are you both done doing the nasty? Harry loudly questioned from behind the door " Can you grace us with your presence once again?" We then heard Brooke say no surprise they are together, me and Niall both chuckle, giving him one last kiss on the lips we go back outside hands intertwined. "Yay they are finally back from doing their business" Brooke said smirking at me. Harry lightly laughed I think he kind of has a thing for Brooke and I know for a fact she has a thing for him. "Time for a sing along before bed I think" Liam says joyfully, while we were gone Louis must have swapped driving positions because he was now in the trailer with us "Well I know for a fact the girls are fans of us so Nialler you pick a song to sing for your lovely girlfriend and then the rest of us will each choose a song" Niall grabbed his guitar from the back quickly and sat facing me "I am going to choose little things" with that the boys sang little things and each of them chose a song which was sang, the songs chosen were 'loved you first' by Louis 'Half a Heart' by Harry 'Happily' by Zayn 'I would' by Brooke and 'Midnight Memories' by Liam everyone then went to bed except me and Niall we decided to stay outside.

Laying in the trailer with Niall I lost my breath at the beauty of a beautiful lake similar to the one Niall took me to once but nothing can beat that one. The way the moon was rising above the blue -green water was mesmerising. Niall held my hand in his, tracing the lines of my palm with his fingertips. "Isn't it amazing? Like the world never ends. Like I could look into it forever." I said staring out at the lake. "Yeah. You know, your eyes are kinda like my lake." He mumbled sweetly, tracing his fingers up and down my arm distractedly. "Because of their color?" I asked curiously "Because I could look into them forever." He said. I wanted to note how cheesy that was, but it was kind of perfect for where we were. In front of this perfect lake, laying in a pile of blankets, warm and cozy from the warmth of one another. Cheesy felt perfect right now. But then again, Niall always knew the perfect thing to say to me. "Perfect." I whispered against his shoulder as I tickled his collar bone and shoulder with kisses.

"You're kind of like a map for me." he said "So...I make you a pirate? With all this water and map talk." I laugh. "It's like I didn't even live before you came along. Like I didn't breathe right." he whispered while staring into my eyes "Am I a map, the ocean, or an asthma pump, Niall ?" I joked slightly. "I'm serious, Chloé." he started giggling "What's funny?" I asked curiously "Your hair is tickling me." He giggled once again. I pulled my hair behind me, removing it from Niall's chest and mine. "It's like you changed everything for me." he sweetly said "Well you're not alone in that. You took me out of that...darkness I'd gotten into before I was a youtuber. With your voice, and your words, and...everything about you. Everything. You lifted me into this world, and I never want it to go." I replied, peppering his chest with kisses as he brushed his fingers through my hair.

"The first stars are coming out." Niall grinned down at me. "You wanna play connect the dots ?" He smiled, playing the game we'd been playing on our road trip when the others were doing their own thing. I grabbed the markers and paper, both of us staring at the stars for ten minutes then trying to recreate it as well as possible. The winner got to choose our night time activity.I won and as usual, I chose just relaxing, cuddling into him. We fit together like puzzle pieces, how can you blame a girl for wanting to feel that as much as possible? "Do you remember when we met?" He smirked. "You mean when you were stalking my accounts and then called your management to get me to interview you and the lads?" I giggled, recalling the event. "Yeah," He blushed. "I just remember seeing your videos and you seriously fangirling over me and how you made me laugh because you were just so adorable" He winked, making me blush. He always knew how to do that, make me blush. Also make me smile, and gasp, and laugh. He knew everything I needed. It's like he'd been given a book to my soul, and I guess, it might feel like that to him to. Like we'd figured out the pieces of each other we couldn't figure out about ourselves within a month of being together.

"Do you think we could do this our whole lives?" I asked quietly, feeling his fingers brush across my back, my hair spilled across our bodies like a blanket. "Hmm ?" He hummed. "Do you think we could just be together forever? Never getting bored, just laying together" I could practically feel him thinking. "I think we could. But would we do when the youngin's came along ?" He smirked down at me. "We'd tell them to go have fun and have a make good living and hope for the best" I offered, causing both of us to laugh. "Where were you all those damn years before we discovered each other hmm ?" He said accusingly. "Don't blame me, you're the one who was clearly supposed to initiate it. Where were you and your stalking profile skills years before " We laughed at that too. "I've dreamed about you my whole life and sometimes I'm worried I'm still dreaming." Niall whispered after a few moments of silence. "I worry about that too sometimes. Like we know each other too well, like it's etched into our bones. Like it's impossible." I said as I rubbed his legs with mine, enjoying the way they were entwined like the roots of two trees that had grown together. "Maybe it is." he said "Good. Any love that isn't an impossible love isn't worth it." I said. "How are you always right ?" Niall asked chuckling "I'm your girlfriend now. I think that comes with the job description." I smirked "Hmm. I think that's true." he grinned "I also think there are other things that come with that job description." He winked. "That's just what I was thinking about." I laughed. "I love you, Chloé." He said and he laid on top of me. "I love you, Niall." I said while he kissed me, sharing each other's breath, with our pulse beating in unison, side by side, heart by heart.

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