The Date

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After stopping myself from freakimg I then start to think. I wonder who Niall is. The only Niall I know is Niall friggin' Horan, but it can't be, could it? I looked out of the window since 10 minutes, before I had nervously looked through my front hall. Usually I am a pretty calm person, but this situation was new to me, so it was quite exciting. After a few more minutes a silver car stopped outside of my house in London. A boy wearing a cap left the car and made his way to my door. The moment he rang the doorbell, I opened the door. I saw into a pair of bright blue eyes and realised it really was THE Niall Horan. "How did you get my number?" I asked him slightly shocked, but still kind of happy. "I didn't. Louis got it for me, I was too nervous." He said with a breathtaking smile on his lips. "How about we get started? Will you follow me, love?" I nodded and followed him.

We spend the whole night at his flat. He prepared a few ingredients for tacos, so we cooked together. I found myself having a great time again, like on the interview almost a month ago. Niall was funny and I realised we have a lot in common. After dinner we both decided to watch a movie. He chooses a horror movie for me, the woman in black. I love thrillers, but they still made me jump here and there. At one point Niall laid his arm around my shoulder, which I liked a lot. At the scariest part I hid behind his shoulder, which made him chuckle briefly.

After the movie had ended he drove me home and walked me to the door. "Thanks for the great night Niall." I said smiling at him and blushing. Suddenly he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Of course I was surprised but it felt so right, so I obviously kissed him back. "Chloé I know this is kind of fast, but would you please be mine? I can't stand the thought anymore to life without you." Of course I said yes.

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