Special Place

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2 weeks later

Ever since Niall found out my secret he has never left my side, unless he had things to do with the band, he checks my arms constantly to make sure I haven't done it again and im proud to say I haven't. I uploaded extra videos to my youtube channel, vine and instagram to make sure I don't dissapoint my fans, they are all buzzing about me and Niall dating and some things they say and make are really cute.The twitter hate I was receiving had gone down a little since Niall tweeted for them to stop, I still receive quite a lot of it but I try my hardest to ignore it because I have my amazing boyfriend, friends, fans and kind directioners to keep me going strong.I then fell asleep.

I opened my eyes, looked at the time and saw it was 10:00 in the morning I groaned and got out of bed. It was Saturday which means it is my chilling out day. I looked at the mirror rubbed my face and brushed my hair, I changed into my casual wear looked at myself in the mirror one more time and then went downstairs. " woo-hoo" I yelled as I was walking down the stairs.I was caught up when I saw a tall frame stand up, who on earth would be in my house nobody has a key except me, I grabbed a bat and brought it up to my shoulder.I walk towards him then get ready to swing the bat when he turns to face me...I know this person... it's...it's

"NIALL" I shout, I was about to hug him when he stepped back. I saw the bat I was holding and then released my grip dropping it to the floor. I hugged him. "what are you doing with a bat?" he asks pointing at the bat I was holding ealier. My cheeks dash out a bit of red. "Because... I thought you were a bad person or something" I stated and looked down, he laughs. "So you think im a bad person" he complains looking at me head to toe. I shook my head "No, I really thought you were, Where did you get my key?" I asked, he rubbed his neck a little bit " Um when I came round last time, I grabbed the spare key so if I thought something was wrong I couldcome check on you" he clearly said, I nodded my head. " I want to spend time with you, are you free?" he said changing the subject "Yeah, where are we going" I replied. His face glowed, " Is that your casual wear?, if so lets go!". he squealed. " Yeah... and" he cut me off by dragging me out the door. Thank god I wore my bra and pumps as I went downstairs.

"Seriously, where are we going?" I asked looking at his eyes. " I want to take you out so im going to take you out" he said raising his voice slightly at the 'out' I just nodded my head, honestly I don't know what's got to his mind. As he pulls over I look out at the pavement I think this is the first time ive seen this. " Where are we" I asked looking around. " This is my secret place, my special place you could say whenever I feel sad or want to clear my thoughts I always go here" he states and held my hand." This is beautiful Niall how did you find it?" I asked mesmerized by this place's beauty he just shrugs " Let's watch a movie at your place, then i'll take you out for dinner" he says and smiles at me. " Oh, okay what are we watching?" I asked curiously, he wiggles his eyebrows which makes me giggle a little " we'll just look at it later" he replies.

When we got home he flops on my couch and looks at the DVD's, while he's looking I go and pop popcorn. I grabbed a bag off the cabinet and set it to the right time " I've already picked one" Niall calls from the living room " about to get ready" I reply back. After two and a half minutes I put it in a bowl and got two cans of coca cola from the fridge and went into the living room." What are we watching?" I said as I sat down next to Niall handing him his drinkand opening mine and he pressed play. "Beautiful Creatures" he gushed and smiled " My favourite movie yay" I clapped my hands " yep" he grins. After the movie had finished he stands up " Get ready, im going to take you out remeber" He raised his eyebrows, I looked up at him curiously and then let it go " umm... yeah im gonna go upstairs" He nods and let me run upstairs. I took out a casual dress so that I don't look silly and get embarrassed, I put on a little make up and went over straightening my hair again quickly, I then brushed my teeth because of the popcorn we had during the movie. " Im ready" I say as I get downstairs he turned around "You look stunning" he said and then kissed my nose " Why thank you, not so bad yourself" I cheekily say then smile. We then leave, when he pulls over I see a fine restaurant. He opened the door " After you my lady" he says and flashes a goofy smile, I chuckled at how cliqué that was. I walked inside and waited for him, then we sat on a table and ordered we both chose spagetti and meatballs. " thank you for this Niall" I said then smiled " That's nothing, I want to spend my time with you seeing as we sometimes can't. After we had finished he drove me home and we went to bed and fell asleep in each others arms I love him so much.

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