The Party

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A week later

Chloé POV

Tonight Niall has told me to go to his house party, ever since we have started dating we have spent nearly all the time together unless he has band duties which I really don't mind.Just because im dating a member of my favourite band doesn't mean I can't secretly fangirl with my fans. I arrived at his a little late, I had to go shopping with my mum so I tried to get ready as fast as possible. I guess I just wasn't fast enough.

I walked in and this small get together had turned into a full on party. I spotted Liam and walked over. Since the interview a month ago I have became close friends with the band members. " Hey Liam! What's going on here?"

"Oh hey Chloé, finally" he hugged me. "word got out and people just started showing up" "Oh how does Niall feel about this?" "Um I don't know, he seems okay with it" he said pointing to Niall, who was talking to a group of people I didn't know.

I walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey Nialler" I yelled over the music. " Chloé you made it! I was afraid you were going to ditch" Niall said snaking his arm around my back and giving me a kiss on the cheek in return."Why would I do that?" I asked " Because this isn't just a few people anymore. I thought you would leave" "Well nope im here to see you anyway and well here you are" I said poking his nose. He smiled and let go of me it upset me a little but I let it slip. "Im going to get a drink" I said because I felt slightly awkward around Niall's friends " okay they're in the kitchen" my boyfriend said to me so I walked away from him and head to the kitchen. I really do hate big parties especially when it's the boys parties. I don't know any of them there. At a friend's party I know everyone there, I feel so put of place here.I made it to the kitchen and made myself a drink. " Chloé! You look stunning" louis said complimenting my outfit. I was wearing a long- sleeved black belly top, skinny jeans and my favourite pair of vans. " Thanks Louis,looking good yourself" I said giving him a hug. We were having a nice conersation till Harry came running into the kitchen sliding on his socks and falling right into me. I fell to the floor and spilled my drink all over me. " Oh crap! sorry Chloé, complete accident" Harry apologized and helped me up. I'm sure Niall has a shirt you can borrow Louis suggested. " Yeah I'll just go find something in his closet, and change" "I'll make you another drink" " No Louis, thanks but I didn't even want that one to be honest" "Sorry Chloé" " It's okay Harry, don't worry im fine" I said letting out a small laugh.

I walked up the stairs from the kitchen into Niall's room. I loved his room so simple and organized. I opened his closet and was overwhelmed by the clothes,shoes and snapbacks. I skimmed the shirts and found a plaid shirt i've never seen him wear. I pulled off my shirt leaving me in the black tank I had underneath which was a little damp but oh well. I grabbed the plaid shirt of the hanger and pulled it on, I left it unbuttoned and I cuffed the sleeves. I looked at myself in the full length mirror on his closet and smiled.I felt cute wearing his shirt. I was going to head back downstairs but then had a better idea. Don't laugh at me you would do the same, I started. taking selfies in the mirror. I saw Niall's snapbacks in the corner of my eye. I then started to grab different ones trying them on pulling faces in the mirror while taking selfies again. " Chloé? Are you okay?" Niall.Crap.

"U-Um Y-Yeah" As I was setting his hat back he walked in and caught me. My cheeks went bright red. " What are you doing?" he said,laughing at me." N-Nothing, just um... gah I was playing with your snapbacks" I couldn't lie to him, he laughed again shutting his eyes. " You are something else, I see you found a shirt" "Yep! How did you know I was up here" I questioned " I saw you walking up the stairs and Louis told me what happened" "Oh" "You alright?" he asked "Yeah, i'm fine" I said even though I was still seriously embarrassed that my boyfriend of a week and my idol caught me doing that.

Niall grabbed a hat with the American flag on it and put it on his head, looking at himself in the mirror then fixing his hair. He then grabbed another hat with the Irish flag on it and walked behind me. He put the hat on me and then watched me in the mirror. He pressed his stomach against my back and wrapped his arms around me. We both looked at each other in the mirror and smiled he gave me a wink, and I giggled." Lets send a picture to Louis" he suggested. He is the only one who knows me and Niall are dating he'll love this." okay" Niall snapped a picture on his phone and sent it to Louis. I looked at Niall and met his eyes.Our noses were touching and he pecked my lips. I turned to face him and knocked his hat off with the brim of mine. I took my hat and put it on backwards. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my chest against his, our noses touching the whole time. I kissed him and then his phone beeped.I reached around and took it out of his pocket.I opened the message and then read it to Niall " It's Louis he said..." Niall was now placing small kisses on my neck "...mmm..." he said " I don't want to recieve any more pictures, winky face" Niall giggled into my neck and I slid his phone back into his pocket. " Niall, we should go back downstairs" " No we don't have to" he said in between kissing and sucking on my neck. " As much as I love this, it's to soon Niall" He sighs "yeah I know, you're right, lets go" He grabbed my hand gave me one last peck on the lips and we started to walk out. " Will you stay with me tonight?" I squeezed his hand saying "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that" "Oh yeah? How do you think Modest! saw you last month" I then realised "You have known who I am for a while?" " yep I saw your instagram about four months ago" he said then winking at me I was mentally kicking myself he would have seen all my fangirling and fanfictions and edits about him oh no no no "I found it cute" he said poking my nose making me blush and hug him " I cant wait to cuddle you all night" I said " That's it?" he asked I giggled "yes... for now" then winking at him. The night went on and everyone soon went home Harry, Louis,Liam and Zayn also stayed but they were downstairs so me and Niall were sleeping in his bed cuddled up I soon fell asleep in his arms realising my life is perfect right now. I love Niall James Horan and I always have I just hope we last a very long time.

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