An Unexpected Surprise

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Nialls POV

Three weeks had passed and I still couldn't stop thinking about Chloé since the interview. I discovered her on instagram a few months ago. We check the site to see what our fans are thinking about us. She was in quite a lot of posts, covering how great she is. Her stunning sparkling blue eyes kept me dreaming all the time, so I was really excited to meet her.Everything was like I thought it would be.Chloé was as funny as in her videos and I had a really good time. After the interview I started following her on twitter, well officially. "What ya thinking about Nialler?" Louis asked, plopping himself next to me on the couch. "Nothing." I mumbled. I tried to shut my notebook before Lou could see who I was stalking, but I was too slow. "Ahhhhhh. Is our little Irish snowflake in love? You should ask her out, not stalk her on twitter, ya know?" He said smiling at me. "I don't have her number. How should I ask her out?" I was frustrated. "Good that I know how to call a manager."Grinning, he gave me a note with a number on it. "How did you get this? And when?" "Hmm. Yesterday. I was hoping you told me you liked her. Niall, we all noticed your excitement at the interview and how you are online nonstop. Just take the goddamn phone number and call Chloé already!"

Chloé POV

My phone buzzed me awake. When I checked the time, it was just 8 am on a Sunday. Groaning I picked up my mobile. "Who's there?" You mumbled into the speaker not recognizing the number. "Uhm, it's Niall." A quiet voice with an Irish accent said. "Why do wake me up at 8 am on a Sunday morning? Are you nuts?" I kind of hissed into the phone, I have never been a morning person. "I just wondered if you liked to go out with me today." His voice didn't sound solid at all. "Listen, uhm Niall. I don't even know you!" I said acting as if I wasn't completely mesmerized by him "You do, believe me." he said cheekily "You won't stop bothering me, 'til I say yes, will you?" "True.", I could practically hear his smile. Which then causes me to start blushing so I covered my face even though nobody was around "Well, it's a yes then." I am secretley freaking out right now I am going to see Niall fucking Horan for crying out loud "Great, I pick you up at 5, text me your address, see you later beautiful." After that the line went dead. He called me beautiful? why? Once I had text him my address I then realised im meeting him today what on earth am I going to wear, where are we going Ahh I dont know what to do act cool Chloé act cool don't embarrass yourself I kept thinking. It took me two hours to pick the right outfit, hairstyle and make up I really hope I don't look silly. I decide to take a bath seeing as I have a few hours till Niall picks me up. I have a bath to calm myself down a little even though I have serious butterflies in my tummy still, I do my hair and make up and decide it looks nice so I get changed into the light green dress I chose earlier with my small black jacket in case it gets cold. I look at the time and see it is 4:00 where did the time go? Shoot! Niall will be here in a hour I stop myself from freaking out again which takes a lot of power.

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