Winter Getaway

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It was winter, Niall was home from tour a few weeks ago and I was on holiday, how well timed together! So we decided to go on a ski holiday! Of course the cabin we were in was extravagant and way too big for just the two of us but Niall insisted "Only the best for my Princess." Was all he would say.It was freezing outside! -8 degrees!

"Niall do we have to go downhill skiing!? Could we wait till it's warmer, it's freezing and when you're on the top of a mountain it isn't any warmer." I said trying to pull off the best puppy dog eyes possible. I saw he was contemplating whether or not to go.

"But Princess we don't have a lot of time together before I have to go back to being busy with the boys and I wanna cherish every moment doing fun activities together that we can then think back to when we're older. Plus it's not going to get any warmer. I promise when we come back we'll put the fire on, have some hot chocolate and snuggle under a blanket. Sound like a plan?" He says kissing my forehead. Not gonna lie that did sound like a great plan and I do love downhill skiing, I remember the first time I went with Niall he was helpless but in an adorable I helped him a lot and taught him the way I was taught and before I knew it was like those skies never left his feet!! He was amazing!

"That does sound nice." I said hugging him.

"Come on then what are we waiting for!? Let's get our gear on!" Niall said in a energetic tone. This smile was contagious and I couldn't help but feel excited too.

"I'M GONNA BE READY BEFORE YOU!!" I yell and run into the cupboard to get my gear out. "OH IT'S ON!" I hear Niall shout from further away. Like I said I would, I did win but not by long, still a win and I made sure that Niall knew.

After we had done dressing we were off to the slopes and by then I was practically jumping from excitement forgetting about the cold and just wanted to get on the lift and get down that slope asap! So far no media has known that we are here but no doubt they'll be here later trying to capture any possible embarrassing thing that could happen but for now I wanted to enjoy my time with Niall.

Once we were on the lift I acknowledged my fear of heights and grabbed onto Niall's gloved hand and squeezed it. "Chloé sweetie, are you alright?" He questioned a worried look in his eyes. "Yeah I'm fine just maybe a tiny bit afraid of heights..." I said trying to sound a bit braver than I was feeling. I know I'd be fine once we get to the top but the thought that the lift could break any minute was not a calming thought.

"Don't worry we'll be off before you know it!" He says kissing my cheek.

Once we were off the lift I felt much better. The view from the top was breathtaking! Every place he shows me is beautiful. The first slope I took slow and calm so that I could get used to the iciness of the slope. We went down a dozen times and I managed to stay balanced most of the time, I admit I did fall over once but it was nothing serious. Niall did fall a few times but he was amazing on his skis! When we fell over we would just laugh it off and continue. By the time we were on our last slope people had spotted us and the paparazzi had found us and taken some pictures. Once we got to the bottom of the slope and were about to leave Niall turns me around and kisses my now red nose and asks,

"Wasn't that bad now was it? Seemed to me that you had quite a blast once you got over the ski lift." He said winking.

"Not gonna lie I had soo much fun!" I admitted with a big grin on my face. Of course more pictures of us were taken but we didn't care. We walked hand in hand back to our little cabin and did as he promised, snuggled in front of the fire under a blanket with some hot chocolate and popcorn and watched a bunch of movies. Just as I was falling asleep I felt Niall's warm lips on the top of my head.

"Love you Princess." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into a calm sleep. Of course the pictures of our trip was everywhere when we got back home and the picture of Niall and me sharing a kiss on top of the mountain was on every magazine cover imaginable!

"Niall and Chloé caught having a romantic getaway in the mountains!" Was all over the magazines. We didn't care and with that we fell asleep cuddled in each others arms.

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