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Me and Niall were going to a party Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam were throwing this afternoon because of having another amazing tour. I had just perfected your look, wearing a short red dress and black pumps I knew Niall would love. The party was rather fancy because quote a lot of other celebrities the boys were friends with were coming thats why i made an extra effort. My hair was kept natural for once and my natural looking make up was done, now waiting downstairs in the living room for Niall to come pick you up. I was nervous about going, because I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone, and I also don't know anyone else at the party personally other than the boys. About ten minutes after Niall showed up wearing jeans and a black blazer he looked amazing in. He looked amazing in everything, it was impossible for him to look bad. He stood at the door blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He looked at me and his jaw dropped a little in shock " Wow Chloé you look stunning" he complemented making heat rush to my cheeks. " Thank you Niall your looking pretty good yourself" I say in reply adding a wink. He smiles and takes my hand kissing it " Thanks, love" the heat came back when he did that, even the smallest of gestures from him made my heart run wild. " You ready to go?" he asks. I nod a yes then he intertwines our hands leading me into the cold night air to where he parked his car. After getting to his car, him being a gentleman as usual, we were off to the party. The drive was pretty normal for us, we joked around sharing playful banter and talking about random things. I can always be myself around Niall, he made me feel comfortable and no matter what I did he still thought I was amazing.

When we pulled up to the place of the party, Niall opened the door for me as always. He took my hand and led me into the massive club in front of us. As soon as I walked in blarring music filled my ears, it was so loud the floor was slightly shaking. People were everywhere, on the dance floor dancing extremely close to each other, getting drinks at the bar to the right and chatting everywhere. Niall pulled me through a bunch of people searching for his friend who I have never heard of. There were so many people inside it seemed as if the house was about to explode. I never have been a fan of crowds, and this was a huge crowd packed with intoxicated celebrities and friends. Niall led me through the house until we reached a corner where there were a group of boys talking with beers in their hands and I knew this wasn't any of the guys I knew. When they saw me and Nialler come into view the guy standing in the middle with dark black hair and brown eyes smiled" Hey Niall glad you could come and who's this" he said gesturing towards you. Niall returned his smile " This is my girlfriend Chloé. You've probably heard about us from media" he says. I gave the guy a friendly smile then shook his hand " Hi, nice to meet you" I said, he says it back and that his name was Jacob. I turn to the other guys and give them a greeting which they all return.

Jacob then started talking again jumping into a conversation about last night football game. The guys went on and on about the game describing every detail, I know hardly anything about football or what they were talking about. Niall seemed completely focused on the conversation chatting about how amazing some guys pass was. As they kept talking I felt more and more left out. You had no clue about anything they were saying and they had seemed to completely forget I was there, even Niall, he was only talking to the guys acting like I wasn't even there at all. I was a few steps behind Niall staying out of his way, looking down at my shoes awkwardly not knowing what to do. Usually I would just go hang out with one of the guys like Harry or Louis and leave the boys to talk but I didn't know where about they would be.

After about twenty minutes of this going on with none of them even acknowledging my presence I couldn't take it anymore. I walked closer to Niall " I'm gonna go get a drink" I said to his ear. He doesn't even notice im there or act like he heard me. This made me slightly annoyed he was just going to completely ignore me when I had no one else to talk to! Angrily I walked away leaving them and parting through the large amount of people walking around. I made my way over to the table the drinks were on grabbing some punch seeinf as I didn't want to drink tonight. I took the cup and went to stand by the back wall alone. I couldn't believe Niall was just completely acting as if I wasn't there, he never did things like that, he was always perfect and sweet. Sighing I take another sip of the sour sweet drink. The music was blaring Animals by Maroon 5 through the huge speakers, you tapped your foot along to the beat.

A little while later a guy approached me, he was very tall with light brown hair and bright green eyes almost as bright as Niall's though no eyes could beat his." Hey, beautiful I notice your all alone, would you like to come dance with me?" he asks. It felt weird to have someone other than Niall call me beautiful, I wasn't sure if I should go with him. Niall was my long term boyfriend after all, I looked to the right and could faintly see Niall and those guys still chatting not noticing I was gone. I felt so annoyed at him right now, if some random person was actually going to give me attention and show me a good time why turn him down, I thought. I was here anyway and had nothing else to do, I might even have fun dancing with him. So I smile to him with my ruby red lips " I would love to come dance with you" I say to the boy. He smiles showing his perfectly straight teeth, he holds out his hand which I then take and drags me to the dance floor.

The music pounded through my body as I danced along to Ariana Grande~Break Free. Me and the boy who I learn his name to be Jesse were dancing side by side to the beat, letting the music take over. I swayed my hips side to side enjoying myself, I was having a nice time dancing with Jesse, he was talking to me about random things and dancing. Niall hadn't even noticed I didn't go back or weren't there so I just stayed with Jesse on the dance floor because he was paying attention to me. The heart beat in my chest filled with the adrenaline rush dancing always gave me. As I moved to the beat I could feel Jesse's eyes on me watching my hips, it made me uncomfortable but I just shook it off. We both danced and laughed until the song ended. He looked to me with his green eyes, he leaned down to my level next to my ear " Come with me" he said whispering. I got a chill down my spine, for some reason I didn't feel good about that. He gave me a persuaded look and I gave in thinking I could trust him.

Big Mistake.

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