Embarrassing Moment

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1 week later

"Better than words" I sang loudly while dancing around my flat in one of Niall's button up plaid shirt which I still haven't been able to return it. I was belting out the lyrics to "Better Than Words" while cleaning my flat and I had found it on the floor and I threw it on over my box t-shirt that just barely covered your bum as I was only wearing underwear.Lately me and Niall haven't been with each other as much because he has been busy and my phone was broken.

The lads had a key to my place which they share even though they never really needed to use it seeing as how most of the time we were all together or ome of them would call or text in advance but with no phone I wasn't able to get a call or text. So I wasn't at all expecting what I got.

"Well. Well. Well." I heard an all too familiar voice coming from behind me. I whipped around only to see the smiling faces of Liam, and Niall. My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide.

"Ummm....." Im almost too shocked to think. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Hanging out. Like usual." Liam answers while trying to stifle his laughter.

"Is that my shirt?" Niall asks while smirking. I look down but quickly realize im not wearing any trousers. My eyes are now bigger than before. I drop my broom and run up the stairs yelling, "DON'T LOOK AT ME!"

I could hear the boys laughing at me and I nearly trip on the stairs. Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of Niall eurgh I hate myself right now.I jump around trying to squeeze into my jeans as quickly as possible then I make my way back down the stairs trying to rid my face of the faint red color from my hysterical blushing. I stop at the bottom step and take in a deep breath to recover from my embarrassment.

"Sorry about that." I said as I enter my living room.

"No big deal." Liam says as he heads into the kitchen.

"And, um... here's your shirt back, Niall.I forgot to give it you back after the party because I didn't get a chance" I say shyly as I try handing him the button up shirt.

"Nah. Keep it. It looks cute on you." I feel that burning sensation in my cheeks and I pull the shirt up to my face to hide the approaching red color.

"Thanks, Ni...." He raises his eyebrow at the nickname I've just called him.

"Ni? That's new." He gave me a calm and sweet smile.

"I. Uh. Well. Ummm..." I take in a strong gulp.

"Breath. It's okay." He puts his hands on my shoulders hugging me tightly and I lost my grip on his shirt and it falls. We both go for it at the same time.

"I got it." we both said in unison. As we're both kneeling on the ground we looked up into each others eyes. He leans toward me and I obviously do the same ive beem waiting all week for this. He leans forward to the point that im flat on my bum and he's leaning over me kneeling on his knees. "All you have to say is stop."

"I don't want too." I whisper as his lips finally reach mine. I slowly close my eyes soaking in the moment I have missed. I continue to lean back until im using my elbows for support. I can feel the warmth between the two of us and all I can think is that i've wanted this for so long.

"Hey. You got any-" Liam stops dead in his tracks. Sandwich in hand, mouth half full. He coughs a bit. Niall quickly jumps back landing on his bum. we both turn red but regardless I can't take my gaze off of him. Niall scrambles to his feet then immediately reaches out for my hand. I smile and take it as he pulls me up from the floor.

I begin to mumble trying to find the words to explain to Liam what just happened. Suddenly Niall is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. I immediately throw my hands on top of his not wanting him to ever let go. He nuzzles his head into my neck and I can feel him smiling.

"Did you tell her?" Liam asks with a sly grin on his face as if this day was planned.

"Not exactly." I turn my head slightly so that you can see Niall face. I give him a smirk I think Liam is about to find out we are dating. "Did I ever tell you that we are dating Liam and that we have been for the past three weeks"

"Ever heard of the story about the crazed fan who was deeply in love with Niall before they even met" I say in response. He smiles.

"Well then. Just thought I'd let you know....I've loved you." Niall says before kissing your ever since I found that beautiful youtuber fangirling over me" He then kissed me passionately forgetting liam was still in the room.

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