The Call

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Current month is June

Chloé POV (me)

I had just finished editing my Q & A video for my subscribers and was about to upload it when I heard my phone going off "Hello" I answered wondering who it could be at this hour "This is Max from Modest! management we have seen your youtube channel and was wondering if you would like to interview One Direction seeing as most of your fanbase are also directioners it would help us get more publicity and would also help you and your channel" Inside I was holding in a scream I loved one direction, most of my videos were about them and parodies of their songs "I would be honoured message me a time and place and I will be there" I replied almost to quickly "Thank you very much Chloé you will also get payment for it. Goodbye"

Before I knew it I was doing a brand new video telling my fans that I would be interviewing our idols I am so so so excited.I then rang my best friend Brooke "Guess what Brooke Guess what" "Woah Chlo calm down what is so important you are ringing me this late" she replied sounding like I had just awoken her, " I GET TO INTERVIEW ONE DIRECTION, IM FREAKING OUT THEIR MANAGEMENT RANG ME" I yelled excitedly down the phone "That is awesome, im happy for you but I really must go I have to wake up early for work tomorrow" she replied then hanging up.

After both my videos were successfully uploaded I went up to bed with the thought of interviewing my idols.

One Interview,One Dream Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now