Getting ready to go

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Info on you:

You are 18

You are in a band called 5-digits

You have a loving and supportive boyfriend, so you thought, called Josh Carter (also known as Hunter)

You and the band are about to go on your first Europe tour.

Info on 5-digits:

Brooklyn - 21

Grace - 19

y/n - 18 the middle child

Riley - 17 1/2

Olivia - 17


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and Riley running into my room.


y/n- Yeah we're going to Europe

R- Well I'm gonna go get ready. See you at 2.

y/n- What's happening at 2

R- The bus is coming to bring us to the airport so be ready by then.

y/n- Ok see ya then

Riley went out of my room and I went in the shower and got ready. After I got into my comfy clothes and I went downstairs to see all the other girls having breakfast and joined them.

O- Hey y/n you ready for the tour.

Y/n- yeah it's gonna be fun. Its the first time we are doing a tour in Europe

B- Y/n Josh came round earlier and was looking for you. He seemed worried about you.

Y/n- Brook what did you say to him and what did he say to you?

B- He said he had a nightmare about you getting kidnapped or something so he was worried about you.

y/n- aww he cares

B- I just told him you were sleeping and he went up to you and gave you a kiss on your forehead.

y/n- ok thx for doing that for me.

G- What time is it


R- Let's watch TV or something I'm bored

Y/n- you're always bored. Anyway I'm going to my room

You go up to your room and turn of the TV. All of a sudden you get a text from Josh

you are on the right

Hey, y/n.

Hey babe x

So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out before you go on tour.

Yea ofc x

I will pick you up in 5 mins.

Ok cya then x

You put your phone down and watch TV again until Josh come. But then you realise that he was acting weird. He normally calls me babe or something like He also always puts a kiss/x at the end of his text messages. And he never puts correct grammar. What's wrong with him? Maybe it was because of his nightmare about me and he is still worried about me? No. He still wouldn't act like that. 5 mins go by and Josh comes pulls up to the house and texts me. You go down to him and tell the other girls you are going out with Josh for a bit.

You walk out and get in the car with Josh. Instead of driving off he just stayed in the same position. He didn't even say anything to you. We were both quiet for about 2 mins. Until I break the silence.

y/n- Josh. What's the matter?

JC- y/n you know I love you. But I don't think it is gonna work out.

y/n- What?

JC- Because you are going on tour and we haven't been hanging out recently because we go to different schools. Im sorry. But don't get me wrong I still want to be friends because we a really close and-

y/n- JOSH

you interrupt him

y/n- I get it. I know where you are coming from. I will miss you though.

JC- Same. I'm glad you understand.

y/n- well I gotta go we're going to the airport soon. Bye

JC- Cya

You get out the car and quietly start to cry. As you get out of sight from Josh you run into the house and up to your room. You run to your bed and start to cry harder and harder until Brooklyn runs into your room as the others stand at the door.

B- guys get out.

she walks over to you

B- y/n are you ok? What happened?

y/n- nothing I'm fine

B- you know I know you're not 'FINE'

y/n- Josh broke up with me.

you look up at her

B- What? Why would he do that?

y/n- because we are going on tour and we haven't been hanging out as much as we did. I get where he is coming from tho. I just miss him already.

B- don't worry. It will be alright. Come on we gotta get read. The bus is coming now.

You get ready and the bus comes to pick you up to bring you to the airport.

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now