Dont tell Josh

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Y/n- Was this a Date?

J- well maybe I can answer that question wish mine

Y/n- ok. what is it then?

J- y/n, will you be my girlfriend?

This is what I have been waiting for. Without hesitation you say

Y/n- YES!! Of course.

You both hug and he kisses you on the cheek.

Y/n- but what about Josh. And the fans they will probably think that I was cheating on him with you.

J- don't worry. It will be fine. We just will keep it a secret for a bit. And if they say that then you just don't let it get to your head because you are better than them.

Y/n- aww Jack.

J- what its the truth. I knew the moment I saw you in the Starbucks. Well, it's getting dark we should go soon.

Y/n- ok but not before pics.

J- wha-

You cut him off by taking pics of him

You cut him off by taking pics of him

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As you were about to post them on Instagram Jack reminds you that you weren't meant to tell them. Jack drives you back to his hotel and you go to tell the boys the news.

J- hey guys

Jo- hows it goin'

J- good. I have got a Suprise for you guys.

D- is it Y/n?

C- yea you were talking about hanging out with her none stop yesterday.

J- yea it is. Y/n come out

You walk out and say hi.

C&Z- Damn

J- we have some news for you

Y/n- Jack and I are more than friends.

Z- best friends?

J- no Zach shes my girlfriend.


Jo- Zach you and Jack were never dating. And congratulations guys

D- yea congrats

Corbyn Daniel and Jonah stand up and hug you both. While Zach just stands there sulking.

Y/n- Zach how do you feel that I took your man.

Everyone laughs including Zach

Y/n- but you guys can't post it on social media. If my ex sees he would kill Jack then you then me. So we all good?

C- yea no posting

D- not doing that. I don't wanna die I am too young.

Jo- okeydokey

You hang out there for a bit the Jack takes you back to your hotel. You tell the girls and ofc Brooklyn is being like an overprotective older sister.

B- I swear if you break her heart like that di-

Y/n- BROOKLYN there are children

O- in 17

B- FINE. Like that idiotic boy Hunter. Then I will break you. GOT IT?!?!

J- yea don't worry I won't. Also whos Hunter?

Y/n- Its Josh's middle name Brook always called him that as she didn't trust him. Guess I should have listened.

You start to tear up thinking of the boy that broke your heart. You go to your room and Jack follows.

J- what's wrong babe?

Y/n- I can't believe I dated someone like him. Just thinking about him takes me back to the moment he broke up with me. I would have done anything for him but he wouldn't have done the same. I thought I loved him but I guess it was fake. HE was fake. All of it was fake. He probably didn't even like me in the first place. He just wanted the fame. But I don't need to let him get to me at the moment. All I need now is you.

You kiss him and he kisses back. You then watch a bunch of movies for the rest of the night. You fall asleep on his shoulder and he falls asleep soon after.

-Jacks P.O.V-

Its tour tomorrow but I decided to stay with y/n. As we were watching the movie she fell asleep on my shoulder. Doesn't y/n also go on tour tomorrow? I will just wake her up early tomorrow and remind her that it is tour day. I'm not gonna see her for a while as we are most likely gonna be going to different places. We could still text and facetime thought. Anyway, I'm gonna go to sleep.

-end of Jacks P.O.V-

What will Jack and y/n do when they are on tour?

Will Josh find out that they are dating?

Will the fans find out that they are dating?

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now