How could he

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You continued to watch until there was a knock at the door. You got up and opened it to see the bus driver. He comes in and you go back to Jack. But as soon as you sit down there was another knock at the door so once again you go and get the door but as you look you fall to the ground.

- Jacks P.O.V-

Y/n just got up to answer the door but as she saw who it was she just passed out. I ran over to see if she was ok when I saw him. The one I wish I never had to see. The one I wish I never had to meet. It was Josh. That's why my baby passed out. I ignored him and picked y/n up and brought her to the sofa. Eventually, she woke up and hugged me immediately.

-end of Jacks P.O.V-

-Y/n P.O.V-

As you woke up you hug Jack. When you pull back from the hug you see HIM.


J- I don't know I was just paying attention to you

JC- no the real question is why are you here with HIM

Y/n- because he's my BOYFRIEND

JC- I was better

Y/n- you wish

JC- I can't believe you, you slut

Y/n- Josh get out

JC- no your coming with me

C- I think you should go

JC- and who are you

J- get out Josh. She said to go

JC- you know what this isn't that last time you are gonna see me you SLUT.

You go off the back of the bus and Christina follows while Jack and Corbyn take Josh outside. You start to tear up because of the sight of that thing.

Ch- are you ok y/n

Y/n- yea its just what he has done to me when he calls me that. I would have done anything for him but he wouldn't do the same for me. He even hurt the one person I loved in the world.

Ch- don't worry the boys shown him to the door so you can be safe. As soon as they come back in we can go to sleep and you can chill out without thinking about you know who.

J- hey babe are you ok

Y/n- yea I'm fine

C- me and Christina and going to bed. And that won't happen again y/n as long as your with us. See you two.

They walk out of the room and go to bed

J- you wanna sleep together on the sofa tonight

Y/n- yea ok

You walk to the sofa and both fall asleep. In the morning you wake by the others taking pictures of you both.

R- aww there so cute

Z- they are such a good couple

D- Zach your just jealous

C- guys let them sleep it was a very eventful night

O- what do you mean by that

Everyone laughs

Y/n- what he means it that HE showed up

B- what how did he find the bus

J- probably put a tracker on her that creep

Jo- what if he's at the show tonight.

Y/n- he better not be there

Da- he won't be. I will warn the security to not let him in don't worry.

B- thanks for that Doop. Also, y/n could I talk to you?

Y/n- of course, Brook...

What is Brooklyn gonna say?
How did Josh find out where you were? Is he gonna end up being at the show?

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now