A Yellow Rose

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J- yea?

Y/n- well i want to tell you why i said that and what happend to her.

You look at him and start telling he what happened.

Y/n- as you know I loved her very much. Even thought he name was Rose I called her my sunflower and sang the song 'sunflower to her every night'

J- aww thats sweet

Y/n- One night Josh was taking me on a date. We were driving for a while and I was texting Rose.

*flash back*
JC- babe get off your phone we are on a date.

Y/n- give me a sec im texing my sister, Rose

JC- ok but just get off your phone

Y/n- yea yea

JC- Y/N!

He was getting really angry. He grabed your phone and through it out the window.

Y/n- JOSH!! Why did you do that

JC- your so supid. You sl-

Y/n- Josh im sorry

JC- yea you better be.

Y/n- just take me home Josh

JC- No. Whats wrong with you you bish (dont wanna swear as its not appropriate)

Y/n- Josh just take me home.

JC- You wanna go home huh. FINE

He starts speeding up and turns the wheel almost imediatly. And. Ran into. Your. moms. car. Lucky it was parked. So no one was in it. Until you heard a scream.

It was Rose.

The car had crashed at this point but you were fine. Well not really. But you needed to help your sister.

Y/n- ROSE!?!



R- im over here

Her voice sounded like it was drained out of life. Your head was spinning. And Josh was shouting out for you to forget about her.

You limped over to her and finally get her while your mom called the ambulance. You didnt care that you werent in great physical or mental health at that point you just needed to help you baby sister.

The ambulance arrives and you and Rose get put into two different cars. Your mom went into the one with Rose and Josh went in the one with you.

-to the nurse-
Y/n- I need to get there as soon as we can. Forget about me just make sure she is ok. She cant be hurt. She can be taken away from me. Not yet. Shes too young.

N- dont worry miss she will be perfectly fine. We will do everything we can to make sure she is going to be ok.

That was ment for me. I was the one who was ment to feel the pain. Josh done that to hurt me. To possibly kill me. But he hurt me more than ever. And he knows it.

Y/n- Josh, what was you thinking when you turned at that speed.

JC- i dont know i was just angry.

Y/n- werent you worried you might have hurt me?

Josh sayed quiet.

You arive at the hospital and insted of going to where you ment to go. You went straight to your sister. Your mom hugs you.

Y/m(your mom)- are you ok

Y/n- Yes im fine but is Rose ok. I need to see her.

Y/m- come in

You go inside and see your sister coved on cuts, bruises and bandages. You go to her and give her a hug.

Y/n- are you ok? What happend to you?

-you turn to the doctor-

Y/n- is she going to be ok

D- hopefully she is going to fine

Y/n- hopefully?

D- she took some damage to the head but it might be ok for her.

You hug her she going to be ok. She can make it through this.

Y/n- your going to be ok. You can make it through this. And i will be here for you. I love you will all my heart Rose. Your the best thing that has ever happened in my life. You mean the world to me my yellow Rose. My sunflower.

R- i love you too. And i will never stop loving you.

-end of flashback-

You start balling out with tears and Jack bring you into a hug.

Y/n- ...and then... her heart stoped. She died in my arms. It was ment to be me that died that day. No it was my fault. I should have never dated him. I should have listend to my friends. I should have listend to my sisters.

J- its definitely NOT your fault. Also what do you mean by sisters?...

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now