The best or the worsts day ever pt.2

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A few hours go by and you end up falling asleep on his chest. It was the best day ever. Then it got thrown in the bin. Josh showed up. He walked over to you and Jack but he was still asleep.

JC- hey beautiful

Y/n- what?

JC- come on we go going

Y/n- Josh how are you here and why do you want me to come with you

JC- just as friends i respect that you dont like me anymore. I respect that you hate me but i just want to be friends

Y/n- i dont believe you

JC- come on. Trust me

Somehow he convinsed you to come with him and you ended up going where he wanted you to go with him. He drives you to a bar and you get very drunk.

-Jack P.O.V-

Last night was the best one yet. It was like nothing in the world could make it bad. I wouldnt change it for the world. I woke up to not see y/n anywhere. I got up and went to go and to get some breakfast. After eating i went to go and see where y/n went. First i asked the security and they didnt see her all night. The i went down to the beach. I proceeded to look for her in our room and the beach house and i couldnt find her. As i went to go and call her i realised that her phone was left there. She never goes anywhere without it. I called up the others to see if they saw her but thats when i got the news. They found y/n walking out the house with someone at 2:30 in the morning

J- SIX HOURS AGO. I need to go

There was only one place i could go. The house. I dont know where else y/n would go. I grabed my keys and went out to the car. I told the guy that i was house sitting for that i had aemergency. I drove to the house and went staright inside. I looked around the house for ages until i got to my room to see...

The next chapter is the last one but there will be a update for what the next book will be called and when it is out.

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now