Bad news pt.2

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When you approached the room your heard a male voice. You open the door to see a man that you had never seen before. But he was standing next to your mom like they knew each other for a life time. Then Brooklyn comes round the corner and looks at the man.

B- dad?!?

Y/n- huh

??- Brooklyn did you tell her?

B- yes but-

??- so you disobeyed my orders

The mans voice was starting to sound angry and he was walking towards you two until Jack steped in

??- and who is this?

J- no first who are you

??- im there father. And once again Who. Are. YOU!

J- im Jack. Y/n's boyfriend

D- so you lied to me as well Brooklyn

Y/n- STOP. She obviously didnt tell you for a reason.

Your mom started to sit up

M- Y/n? Brook? Jack?

Y/n- mom

M- why are you here

Y/n- you are sick i needed to see you

M- no i mean why is he here. Why is your father here

Y/n- so it is him

D- im sorry you had to find out this way

At that moment the doctor walked in

Doc- we are going to need to run some tests on you again mrs y/l/n (your last name)

M- ok

Doc- could everyone please step out the room for a few minutes. We well call you back in, in a bit

All- ok

You all step out and sit in the waiting room.

Y/n- im going to the toilet. I will be back in a few

You walk down the corridor and go into the toilets. As soon as you get there you start to cry and then call Grace.

-quick back story type thing-

In the year that has went by you and Grace became really close to the point that it is unreal. After the Europe tour Eben and Grace started dating and were going away for a week in Italy. TODAY!

-back to the toilets-

*Grace answers*

G- heyyyy. Wait are you crying? Whats wrong? Is everything ok?

Y/n- its- its-

G- you dont sound good do you want me to say here. We arent leaving for another 3 hours and we can just cancel. I will tell Eben

Y/n- no. Its just my mom. Shes ill. And could possibly die

G- WHAT?!? Where are you im coming straight awat

Y/n- Grace its fine Brooklyns with me and Jack is too

G- but-

Y/n- its fine i just needed to hear your voice

G- are you sure?

Y/n- yes and guess what

G- what?

Y/n- i know who he is

G- who, who is?

Y/n- my dad. Hes here. Hes at the hospital with my mom

G- what how? I thought he was gone

Y/n- sa-

You stop as you get interrupted by an argument from outside

G- y/n?


??- no where. You dont need to know its. She is none of your business anymore

??- i knew i should have got rid of you when i could

G- y/n? Hello?

Y/n- sorry im gonna have to call you back

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now