I need a break

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But as it went on you realised it was because of Josh. You scroll through your comments and see that everyone was saying that you 'cheated' and that you 'broke Josh's heart' and that you are a 'horrible person'. After that is what most of the comments on your photos you go to his account and see what he said. As soon as you go to his account the first post has that caption of 'I still loved you when you left' and he replied to one of the comments saying ' y/n'

By this point, you couldn't take it and put your phone down. Now you were in the hotel with the rest of the girls. You just put your phone down on the table and try to ignore what was going on but your phone was just blowing up. Out of know where you just get up and run to your room. You couldn't help but just cry until you hear a knock at your door. So you get up and open the door and you see Brooklyn and hug her without hesitation. She shows you your phone and that she knows what has been happening as none of the other girls has been on social media since before the plane. Luckily Brooklyn is the type of person that knows what to say in any situation. So she decides to text him and tell him to do something about it meanwhile you were asking your manager (David aka Doop or Dave mostly Doop)

You are on the right
              Hey David

Yes? Wait are you ok you never call me David
What happened?

              Could we change the first tour date?

              I'm going through a hard time. 

              Everyone who has seen Josh's insta post hates me.

Yeah, no problem you guys had a day off after the first day anyway.
Don't worry it will be ok Brooklyn told me what she is doing for you.

Then you see a post on Josh's Instagram and the caption said 'To everyone who is hating on y/n and making her life a living hell at the moment stop. She is an amazing girl that should be able to live her life and go on tour in peace and now the tour has had to be put back by a day. I'm the one that broke us up not her and we agreed that we would still be friends. I still love her and think she should still be able to be happy and not be hurt by my stupid actions. For her sake, I'm going to delete that post so she doesn't have to see it each time she goes on my account. y/n I'm sorry and I should have thought before I wrote that caption or asked you first. Once again I'm sorry y/n.

-Josh Hunter Carter

After you saw this post and read the caption you Dm him saying the simplest thing you could think of 'Thank You, Josh'. Then you put your phone down and just hung out with Brooklyn for a bit. You still didn't feel the best about the situation so you when out alone to Starbucks. As you go there you ordered your drink and just sat down on your phone text the girls if they wanted anything. Suddenly you hear a voice
Voice- Hey...

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now