We. Broke. Up?!? pt.2

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Y/n- he was telling the truth. They do know. Hes gone to Zach room. I need to go

You pick up yours and Jacks phones and head to Zachs room. When you arived the door was open so you went it.

Y/n- ZACH!

Z- yea

You walk round the corner and go over to him

Y/n- is Jack here

Z- no. Why would he be here?

Y/n- your joking. Right?

Z- no hes not here

Y/n- w- wh- what how. Where is he then

Z- i dont know. Why did you think he was here?

Y/n- he went out the hotel room and didnt say anything to me. I though he might come here because this was on his phone



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Y/n and Zach?!?
Have Jack and y/n already broke up?
Just found a video of y/n cheating on Jack. She kissed Zach in the bull ring (Birmingham England) then Jack came round the corner shouting at them.

Z- thats not us. Its just people that look like us except for the video. He knows that

Y/n- i know but im just worried about him. He hasnt got a phone .He doesnt know any one or anything here. Hes gonna get lost. Hes gonna get hurt

You start to cry and Zach comes over to reassure you

Z- he will be fine. I promise

New part out in a bit

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now