Was this a date?

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I will pick you up at 2:30 be ready
                                                   Ok I will be ready
Dress casual
We don't want everyone noticing
us again
                                                    Cya then Noodles
You put your phone down and go to bed. You wake up to a call from Josh. You decline the call and start to get ready for the day. Throughout the morning, you got none stop phone calls from Josh and eventually gave in and answer one of the calls.


JC- hey. I have been trying to contact you all morning.

Y/n- What do you want?

JC- ok, ok don't have to be so harsh

Y/n- Josh why did you call me?

JC- I saw that you were hanging out with that Jack guy from Why Don't We

Y/n- yea, what about him?

JC- are you already over me? Its been less than 24 hours since I broke up with you. Now I know why you were fine with it. Were you cheating on me with that guy this whole time? I bet you knew he was gonna be there on tour. That's why you were so excited.

Y/n- Josh you are being ridiculed. I only just met him.

JC- I still love you I wanted to just take a short break

Y/n- NO. YOU broke up with ME and said that it wasn't gonna work out. YOU didn't just want to take a 'SHORT BREAK' you were done with me and that hurt me. I had to move the tour date because of you. But you know what Thank You. Because if you didn't do that I wouldn't have been able to hang out with Jack today. I'm done with you, Josh.

-end call-

You end the call and throw your phone on the bed. You finish getting ready and Jack text you saying he's outside. You go down to him and get into the car.

J- hey y/n. How are you?

Y/n- Hey. I'm good. Hbu?

J- is great thx.

Y/n- so where are we going

J- you will have to wait and see. Do you like snails or eel soup

Y/n- WHAT?!?!

J- I'm just joking. You got a skateboard.

Y/n- no not on me.

J- oh ok I will buy you one

Y/n- emm ok...

You both talk for a while until you get to your first stop.

J- Come on let's go

Y/n- Jack why are we at a surfboard and skateboard shop?

J- I told you. I'm getting you a skateboard. Wait do you know how to skateboard?

Y/n- yea. I've been skating since I was 8

J- woah that's a long time. Like how many years? 10?

Y/n- yea anyways let's get some boards

Y/n- yea anyways let's get some boards

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You get this deck because you believe we should 'fight like a wolf, and love like a wolf'

You get this deck because you believe we should 'fight like a wolf, and love like a wolf'

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And you get this board/grip tape because your sister's name was Rose and you loved her with all your heart.

J- nice board. What's the meaning behind it.

Y/n- well for the deck I believe that you should fight like a wolf but also love like a wolf. And well before my sister left we were really close and her name was Rose.

J- Before we left? What do you mean by that?

Y/n- it doesn't matter I will tell you one day but now is not the time.

J- oh.. Ok. So let's skate

Y/n- where?

J- that's where we are going right now.

You both get in the car and within about 5 mins you arrive at your next destination. It was the peir. You both get out of the car and start skateboarding down the peir. You listen to the music that was being performed and ate some food eventually you both ended you on the beach. Neither of you wanted to go into the water so you decided to walk down the beach and talk. The sun was starting to set and then you were coming to the end of the beach. Being with Jack made all the drama with Josh go away. It was like you were the luckiest girl in the world. You both sit on the sand and look into the sunset.

-Jacks P.O.V-

Being with Y/n made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Even though we have only known each other for 2 days I think I'm in love.

She is funny, talented, has a great personality and she is beautiful. I don't think I could last this hole tour if I could spend it with her.

-Y/n P.O.V-

Y/n- thank you so much for bringing me here Jack.

J- no problem. But I have a question for you

Y/n- wait can I ask you a question first?

J- sure go ahead

Y/n- Was this a Date?

J- well maybe I can answer that question wish mine

Y/n- ok. what is it then?

J- y/n, will you be my girlfriend?

What is Y/n gonna say?

What would Josh do if you said yes?

Y/n only just broke up with Josh.

Also, what would the fans say?

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now