We. Broke. Up?!? pt.4 (final)

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You turn round to see Jack

Y/N- JACK!! wait. no. JOSH!

You wake up in a panic and pool of sweat while Zach jumps up off the sofa

Z- Hey. Hey. Are you ok?

He says as he walks over to you.

Y/n- he. He was. He was there. And. A gun. To his head. Josh

You say taking deep breaths where the full stop (period) is.

Z- calm down. It was just a dream. Or a nightmare. Tell me again, but this time slower.

Y/n- i went to find Jack. You were asleep and i sneaked out. It took about half an hour until i heard a voice behind me. When i turned round i saw him. I saw Jack. But then. I saw Josh. With a gun to Jacks head. And then i ended up here

Z- you have been here the hole time though. I have watched you

Y/n- you have been watching me?

Z- no not in that way. I was on my phone but i didnt see you leave or enter the room again

Y/n- maybe it was a dream then.

It was silent again until you said something

Y/n- Zach?

Z- yea

Y/n- could you come over

Z- ok?

He walks over and sits next to you on the bed

Y/n- can you sleep with me?

Z- what? Y/n you have a boyfriend

Y/n- no i just want you to keep me company which means you might kinda have to sleep in the same bed as me

Z- ok but as long as your ok with it and you dont take it in a bad way

Y/n- but first can we call the girls and see if they have seen him

Z- they wouldn't have-

Y/n- its worth a try

Z- ok fine

You grab your phone and call Brooklyn. It kept ringing but no one answered. You tried calling again you once again no one answered. As you were about to go back to sleep you get a call.

-on call-

B- hey did you call me just?

Y/n- yes oh my god.

B- whats wrong

Y/n- is Jack with you or have you seen him

B- why would he be here its 2 in the morning

Y/n- just tell me if you have seen him or if he is there. I need to know

B- i might have seen him at the airport but im not 100% sure

Y/n- ok just tell me if you see him ok

B- yeah sure are you alright?

Y/n- yeah im fine

B- ok see ya soon then

Y/n- see ya

-end call-

He gets into bed with you and start to fall asleep. You felt safe with Zach being there next to you. You didnt feel awkward either. Even when he started to cuddle up to you, you felt fine, protected. By the morning you both woke up in each others arms. You then got ready and brought your bags to the airport with the others. You get to the airport and finally post on social media after everything that has been happening.


657,290 likesItsy/n get yourself a best friend like him🖤

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Itsy/n get yourself a best friend like him🖤


548,902 likesImzachherron get yourself a best friend like her🖤

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Imzachherron get yourself a best friend like her🖤

-skip past the flight because im lazy-

You get back to the new why dont we and 5 digets house that you got furnished while on tour. You walk into the house and immediately go up to Brooklyn and hug her. You couldnt help but start to cry

B- hey whats the matter? Why are you crying?

Y/n- hes gone

G- is she ok

B- yeah just give is a minute

You walk out the room with Brooklyn and go outside your room. You tell her what happened and how Jack still hasnt showed up. Then you walk into your room

J- you miss me?

Y/n- JACK!!

You start to cry again and you jump into his arms.


782,902 likesJackaverymusic good to be back in your arms ❤️

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Jackaverymusic good to be back in your arms ❤️

Y/n- i missed you

J- i missed you too. I love you

Y/n- i love you so much you dont understand

This is not the last chapter its just the last part of the chapters called We. Broke. Up?!?

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now