I'm sorry (final)

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There was only one place i could go. The house. I dont know where else y/n would go. I grabed my keys and went out to the car. I told the guy that i was house sitting for that i had aemergency. I drove to the house and went staright inside. I looked around the house for ages until i got to my room to see Josh and her.

-end P.O.V-
                               -your P.O.V-

You get back to the house with Josh and you go to your room as he leaves. You sit on the bed and try to find your phone. You keep looking for it until you remembered that you left it at the beach house with Jack.

Y/n- the beach house. JACK

Corbyn comes round the corner and into your bedroom door way.

C- huh what do you mean. Wait. Wheres Jack?

Y/n- i need to go. I forgot about Jack. I forgot about him. How. Hows that possible

C- alcohol?

Y/n- what do you mean?

C- You seem like you have been drinking. Are you?

Y/n- errr

C- y/n have you been drinking?

Y/n- maybe one or two drinks

He raises his eyebrow

Y/n- ok i may have threw up and fell... Like 4 times. BUT i didnt flirt with anyone.. I think

C- ok you need to rest then. Wheres Jack? I will go and get him

Y/n- no its fine. Im sober. I havent been drnking for a few hours

C- that doent mean you are sober enought to drive.

Y/n- well i could get an uber or you could drive me

C- you need to stay here. I will get him

Y/n- sorry the ubers here

C- you orderd one already?

He laughs

Y/n- no just wanted you to leave

C- rude

You both laugh

Y/n- hes at the beach house. This is the address  *gives random beach house address*

C- k gonna go tell him your ok

He laughs

Y/n- why dont you just call him

C- I already tried. His phone has died

Y/n- ok see ya later then.

C- bye

He leaves the room and then Josh knocks on the window. You go over and open it to let him in.

JC- hey beautiful

Y/n- Josh I have a boyfriend

JC- fine, princess then

He laughs and comes into the window

Y/n- what are you doing back here anyway?

JC- just wanted to see you anddd

Y/n- and? And what?

JC- and. You wanna make out


JC- its a joke

Y/n- well its not funny

JC- but still

He grabs something close to him and hits it around your head to knock you out.

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now