New Friend?

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Suddenly you hear a voice.
Voice- Hey. Are you ok

y/n- Yea Im good

You keep your head down

Voice- Are you sure you dont look ok. Has something happend?

y/n- Yeah its all good something was just stressing me out.

Voice- Do you mind if I sit here?

y/n- No I dont mind

Then the person sits opposite you and you finally look up. As you look up you see a cute curly haired boy.

Y/n- Im y/n by the way

Voice- Im Jack, nice to meet you

y/n- nice to meet you too

J- so you wanna tell me what happend. I can hopfuly make you happier.

y/n- Ok I have nothing else to do. So basically I am in a band called 5-Digits and we are here on our first Europe tour. Also you seem to have an American acsent. Where are you from?

J- oh yea I'm from Pennsylvania I'm also in a band by the way its called Why Don't We we are here on our second Europe tour accually.

y/n- Oh cool also back to the story. Before we when on the plane yesterday my boyfriend ,his name is Josh, broke up with me and we agreed to just be friends. It made me upset at first but then i got over it and we went on the plane and came here. When we got here though i saw that Josh posted a new pic on instagram with the caption 'I still loved you when you left'. After that, everyone who saw this post hated on me saying that I 'cheated' and that I 'broke his heart'.

You start to tear up thinking about the situation.

y/n- I even got some messages saying that i was a 'slut' or 'hoe'. Eventualy, the oldest in the band Brooklyn, came into the picture and helped me out. Then it ended in me being here and Josh posting a thoughful caption for me.

J- woah hes... nice?

y/n- yeah he was but then you know, one thing led to another then. But dont get me wrong he still is a good guy. And he had a good reason to break up with me.

J- So are you free tomorrow?

y/n- yea we moved the tour date to 2 days from now

J- Do you wanna hang out then?

y/n- yea heres my number.

You give Jack your number and take a picture with him. Then you and jack go back to your hotel and hang out. When you get back the girls catch you trying to sneek Jack into your room.

B- Hold on. Y/n where you going

You push Jack into your room so the others didnt see him.

B- who was that i just saw

Y/n- I dont know what you are talking about.

G- who was that boy you just pushed into your room.

Y/n- there is know one in there.

As you say that Riley pushes past you and opens your door. You try to stop her but she gets past and sees Jack.

R- Ooooooooo whos the cutie

Y/n- thats Jack. Hes also in a band.

J- Hey

Y/n- So this is Brooklyn, Grace, Riley and Olivia

All- Hey

Y/n- so me and Jack are gonna hang out for a bit so BYE.

You shut the door on them and sit on the bed with Jack. You both end up posting a new photo on Instagram.


521,537 likesItsy/n It was good meeting you today

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Itsy/n It was good meeting you today. See you tomorrow.


478,160 likesJackaverymusic Met a new person today

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Jackaverymusic Met a new person today. Cant wait to hang out again soon.

As soon as you both post the fans were going crazy and puting two together and figured out that you and Jack were hanging out together. People were already making fan accounts and edits of you both.

You and Jack talk and watch movies and stuff like that. Eventually Jack had to go back to his hotel. You go down to the entrance but when you to got down there you saw a bunch of fans waiting for you two to come down as you did everyone just started screaming. Then Jack got back and text you

I will pick you up at 2:30 be ready
Ok I will be ready
Dress casual
We dont want everyone noticing
us again
Cya then Noodles

Long chapter this time
Have a good New Year
(I was watching the 1D movie while doing this😂)

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now