I told him

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J- its definitely NOT your fault. Also what do you mean by sisters?...

Y/n- well err

You hesitate at first

Y/n- well there is a girl. That you may know.

J- yesssssssss?


You imediatly look away and Jack taps your shoulder.

J- thats amazing. She one the most suporting people i know. Why are you scared about it?

Y/n- well she told me that she knows my dad.

J- I thought he was dead

You turn back round

Y/n- me too but she has met him and he has just went away to do something apparently. And then she told me we were sisters. AND that i couldnt tell anyone. I got told yesterday. When we both went outside. Please dont tell her i told you.

J- dont worry. I wont.

Y/n- well we might as well tell her. But together.

J- so you wanna keep skating or do you wanna head back.

Y/n- lets skate back. BUUUTTTTTT. I wanna go the long way.

J- why because you wanna spend more time with me?

Y/n- NO

You laugh

Y/n- why would wanna spend more time with you. Theres a subway around the corner.

J- oUch ThAt huRt


Jack starts to fake cry. You got up to him and kiss him on the cheek.

Y/n- just kidding bub. Come on lets go

J- kk love you

Y/n- love me too.... And you

You and Jack skate back to the hotel and stop off at subway. As soon as you got back you and Jack ask Brooklyn to come in to both of yours room.

Y/n- could you please sit down.

B- ok...

Y/n- so dont worry its not that big of a deal.

-Brooklyns P.O.V-

B- ok...

Y/n- so dont worry its not that big of a deal.

What does she mean by that. As i looked down i saw Jack and Y/n holding hands and thst wont make sense to most people because they dont know Y/n like i do. Shes nervous. Wait is she. PREGNANT?!?!

B- your pregnant. Y/n what have i told you. DONT fall in love and have you know what without protection. AND definatly not on tour. How could you be so stupid. And YOU. Do you think your gonna get away with this Avery I-

Y/n- Brook you are thinking too into it. Im not pregnant. And i would be alot smarter than to do that.

B- thank god. Sorry Jack.

Y/n- no I may have maybe possibility-

J- y/n just say it.

Y/n- I told Jack that you are my sister.

B- oh... Thats all you wanted to tell me im fine with Jack knowing. I already love him as a brother.

J- well that was anticlimactic.

-end Brooklyns P.O.V-
(Y/n P.O.V)

Y/n- soooooooo...

B- well im gonna go. You twodo what ever you want. BUT NO. GETTING. PREGNANT.

Y/n- byeeeeee

You shut the door on her and Jack grabs you by the waist and throws you on the bed

Y/n- JACK!

J- What?

Y/n- Brook legit just said not to-

J- were not going to i just wanted you to get you on the bed.

Y/n- lets watch high school musical.

J- random but ok.

As soon as the movie starts you go on your phone. You scroll through Instagram when you see a post of you and Jack skating.


Y/nxJack is typing

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Y/nxJack is typing...

How cute are these two. Saw them skating earlier.
But also look at the second one (the video)
@itsy/n and @BrooklynOfficial are related???

Y/n- they found out...

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now