Bad news pt.1

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It was the perfect life you could live. Until...

Your phone started to ring

*you answered your phone*

Y/n- Brook? Hows it going?

B- not good

Y/n- huh. What do you mean by that?

You stand up and go into your room as your were in the living room with Jack.

B- its mom

Y/n- wait what? What happend? Is she ok?

B- i- i- i have to come over

Y/n- wait

she puts the phone down and you go back into the living room and sit nect to Jack.

J- what was that all about?

Y/n- Brook called. Something has happened to my mom

About 10 minutes later there's a knock at the door so you go and answer it.

Y/n- hello-

Brooklyn comes in and gives you a hug

Y/n- whats wrong?

B- mom. Shes in hospital

Y/n- what why?

B- they dont know but she might not survive

Jack gets up and comes over to you too

J- what. No. This cant be happening

B- yea its real

Y/n- no shes too young. Shes only 45-years-old. She doesnt deserve this. I cant lose someone else

J- we need to go and see her

Jack runs out the door and starts the car you and Brook followed. You get into the passenger and she sits behind you. As you arive at the hospital you go straight to your moms room. When you approached the room your heard a male voice. You open the door to see...

Who will it be?

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now