Bad news pt.3

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You stop as you get interrupted by an argument from outside

G- y/n?


??- no where. You dont need to know its. She is none of your business anymore

??- i knew i should have got rid of you when i could

G- y/n? Hello?

Y/n- sorry im gonna have to call you back

You end the call and head to the door. You open the door to see Jack and Brooklyn speeking to someone in foront of you. At first you didnt know who it was. But then he turned round.

Y/n- JOSH?!? Why are you here

JC- come on we are leaving

Y/n- no. This is my mom im here for not you. You need to leave

He grabed your arm.

JC- No. You. are leaving with ME

You start to panic but Jack grabs Josh's shirt and faces him in front of him so he wasnt holding you anymore

J- leave

JC- make me


Y/n- jack

JC- listen to your little hoe you bi-

Dad- What did you call my daughter?

JC- you heard me old man

Dad- i think you need to leave

JC- fine. See ya y/n. I will find you. You know i will

Josh walks away and smirks at you before leaving

B- are you ok

Y/n- yea im fine. Im just gonna go home.

B- ok i will meet you in the car

J- same

You walk back to your moms room and say goodbye you dont tell her what just happened as you knew she would be worried. You go to the car and sit in the backseat with Brook. You put you head on her shoulder and try not to cry

B- im sorry

Y/n- huh. What are you sorry for. You didnt do anything wrong

B- im just sorry that had to happen at this time.

It was quite for a while until Brook broke the silence again

B- i heard from the doctor that mom is going to be alright and she will be out in a few days.

Y/n- really

J- thats amazing

Y/n- so everything is going to be alright?

B- yea it looks like that

You finally get home and you go to yours and Jacks room. The first thing you do is call Grace

Y/n- hey

G- hey. What happened when you put the phone down

Y/n- oh nothing

G- dont lie

Y/n- im not

G- y/n i can tell when you are lying

Y/n- well he showed up

G- your dad? Yeah i know you told me

Y/n- no Josh

G- what how? We havent seen him in a year

Y/n- i know right. And he said something as he left. He said ''I will find you. You know i will''

G- you need to go somewhere else then

Y/n- huh? What do you mean by that?

G- he knows where we live. If he said that hes going to come back or whatever you need to sleep somewhere else. Somewhere that he wont fine you.

Y/n- ok thats a good idea

G- anyway hows your mom. Everything alright

Y/n- yea the doctors said that shes going to be great

G- thats good news

Y/n- yea

You and Grace talk for a bit more and then Jack walked in the room.

Y/n- hey babe

G- well anyway i gotta go

Y/n- same. See ya

G- byee

*end of call*

Y/n- Jack we have to go. We have to leave

J- huh? What do you mean?

Y/n- me and Grace were talking. Hes going to find us. Hes going to come back. Hes going to come for me. Hes going to come for

J- y/n what are you talking about

Y/n- Josh. He said he will come back. And i heard him saying that you. He said that he wished he got rid of you when he could. He threatened you Jack. And i dont like that. I dont want someone that i hate hurt someone i love. We need to go to a hotel or something. We need to go somewhere other than here

J- ok. Lets get packed and we can go somewhere.

Y/n- where though

J- i know dont worry

You get packed and go down stairs. You tell everyone you are going then get in the car next to Jack and then he starts to drive off.

This is one off the longer chapters. And lets just say there has been a lot of tea spilt

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now